Skin talk | Arthritis Information


My skin goes through a lot of different cycles. The skin on my hands is different looking today than it has been. It is not red or cracking or anything. The terrible part is I do not remember what my skin is supposed to look like. So i am not sure if it is a good change or a bad change. Lets face it i am getting older anyway so it will change some from that. I am sure the prednisone has an effect on my skin and so does the swelling. I have a skin condition of some sort also. I just thought it was sort of sad that i do not remember what a good sign would be.I am sorry, Milly.

If it makes you feel any better... my skin has became more greasy than it use to be. And my skin is getting thinner that I can see the veins that are on my knee caps when I bend my knees. Never seen them before, until recently.
Milly - I too struggle with that one.  My husband says, you are getting old.  Okay, I agree, but I am also dxed with scleroderma.  I get waxy-looking hands at times, very weird looking.  After i posted this. I had the come and go rash above my knees and elbows last night. It is odd does not last long enough to show a doctor. Last time i did this it was above my ankles and elbows. I believe it was in October last time i did this. It last about ten minutes goes away for several hours then reappears. If it did not itch so bad i would not notice it. There are several AI conditions that do this i do not remember them all. My hands where just pale looking last night and the skin seemed a bit thicker and wrinkled same for my feet. I thought maybe the skin seemed thicker as the Mtx may have taken some swelling out. So something about the way my hands looked reminded me of something. Then when the rash hit i thought that was probably it.