Another Drug Gets A Shakedown | Arthritis Information


Practically everyone here knows that drugs have some side effects and we just muddle through until we get it right for us.

I've been asthmatic for years. Last year I was told that they were going to stop making the inhalers with the usual propellants. So if you get an asthma attack and it's hard enough to inhale, it's going to be harder to use the new inhalers. It's like sucking air through a straw. I'm all for a clean environment, but I doubt inhalers will ruin the ozone layer in the next thousand years. But it could shorten my time.

Now the only preventative asthma med that works for me is getting a shakedown. They say it might cause suicidal behavior. I suppose it might be causing suicide if it drives up the cost or maybe that would be homicide if it becomes unavailable. I don't think news would make me stop using a med that worked for me.  It is good know there  might be a connection, in case you start having suicidal thoughts - just stopping the med should help you.  Also, if you had start an anti-depressant or something while you were on it, I think this news should make you investigate if it was a actually a side effect and not something new that needed treatment. Well i am allergic to that medication. I did recieve a phone call from someone yesterday that said," i knew it". Someone i know has a loved one with this problem who takes this medicine.