Exercise Suggestions | Arthritis Information


Hello everyone. I just wanted to know what any of you do for exercises? I have RA, obviously, and right now my most affected joints are my knees (left one to be exact, the right hasn't decided to act up yet, thank god). I definitely do not have my RA under control. I feel like I have had a continuous flare going on for the last 3-5 months. My knee is constantly swollen, some days the swelling is a lot worse. My range of motion is okay, but of course that changes on a daily basis as well.

Before I talked to my doctor in February, I was doing the ellipticla maching about 5 times/week. After my appointment, I stopped doing exercise altogether because he put me in a bad mood.

I have been going to the pool this last week to get some exercise because I very much want to get some weight off of my knees and I don't like being complacent all the time. However I won't always be able to go to the pool because it would require a car, which I don't have. So I waws just wondering if anyone here does some exercises that they know to be good for their arthritis. Weights, yoga, pilates, any suggestions please they are all very welcomed.

Also if anyone has any helpful diet tips as well, that is greatly appreciated too.Hey there-Let me preface this by the fact that I was already doing this exercise before diagnosis.

I power walk 5 miles a day, 6 days a week.  In the beginning, before meds, there were some tough days.  Now it's almost back to normal.  Most days my right foot is a little swollen and sore in the mornings.  After about a mile it feels much better.
Side note - I spend big money on shoes-running not walking.  And I replace them every 2 months.  Hope this helps, or is at least encouraging.  My hubby and I have started walking every day since the weather is warming up. (yesterday was ucky though! Damn cold fronts...) We're up to about a mile now and I've noticed that I feel better when I move. My feet hurt like crazy in the middle of the night, but I think that's from being still. I haven't really tried anything else other crunches. I've heard swimming and water aerobics are awesome.
As far as diet goes - just trying to eat smaller portions, more fresh fruits and veggies and drink lots of water.
Hope you're having a superfantastic and extra-comfortable day!
I can only walk 2 miles before my feet hurt too badly, but I walk daily.   I can't do much with weights because I have tender wrists.  I just discovered windsor pilates tapes. I think I have the oldest ones-- I bought them used off ebay.   These are only 20 min and not too difficult, which is perfect for me.  In addition to my RA and fibro, I have several degenerated discs in my neck and low back, plus problems with my knee and ankles, so there's not much exercise I'm able/allowed to do.  Basically the docs have told me to keep it to physical therapy in the pool, and walking as I'm able (which isn't much).
If you can get to the pool that is great.  Some of them even have arthritis exercise classes.  I'm doing physical therapy, but that will run out soon, so I may have to continue the same exercises on my own.  Some of my pool exercises have been walking or marching (forward and backward) across the pool, keeping my shoulders down and back, my pelvis tilted, and breathing in through the nose and out the mouth.  Doing small squats--holding the edge while moving as if I'm sitting down in a chair and then holding it.  Stretching my calves and ankles, and the like.
Although it's difficult, try to keep as active as possible, even if it's in spite of the doctor.  It will be better for you in the long run.
I walk two miles a day during my lunch hour (takes me 40 minutes).  My employer provides a fitness center for employees at a very low monthly fee. 
I also do free weights at home every morning, and on the weekends, I do 30 minutes a day of aerobic dancing.  (Nothing fancy...just shake my booty so I get cardio and burn calories!)
I love my lunchtime walks...it's a great way to relieve stress...I just pop in my i-pod and tune into some great walking "disco" beat stuff to keep my pace up, and tune out the rest of the world. 
The main thing about excercise is to start off doing something that you enjoy, and to start off small, and build.  Even 15 minutes a day to start is great for you!
I just can't get motivated to start.
Maybe when the weather breaks I'll start walking at lunch time again. But I always feel so tired.
[QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]I just can't get motivated to start.
Maybe when the weather breaks I'll start walking at lunch time again. But I always feel so tired.
I understand that completely.  But do realize it is true that excercise gives energy, even though it would seem more logical that it would deplete what little we think we have left! 
Something about it just exhilarates the senses.
My hubby and I have begun walking before dinner, hurts but its nice for both of us. I remember as a kid doing it with my family, we would ALL go out together and walk around the neighborhood. Fun, us kids usually skated or biked, I liked skating better. Biz- I know. I've even experienced in the past but I can't get moving! All I have interest in is eating cookies even when i'm not hungry. It's like I'm trying to sabotauge myself for some reason.
I lost 18 lbs. when i was really sick with the RA. I was able to eat anything I wanted and not gain.
Then all of a sudden it started jumping back on- 6 lbs. at a time. I gained it all back and now I can't stop eating.
I'm glad the RA isn't eating me up anymore- that means I'm healthy-but what am I going to do with this appetite?
Walking is the world's best exercise. I used to walk everywhere. Probably a couple miles worth every day. I even did some of that while still on chemo. Wiped me out, but I wasn't going to let that stop me.

I can't quite do it now, but I am going to try to walk a stretch next week. Even walking around the house counts so don't be discouraged. I am going try some isometrics on top of that. Once I'm ready, bodyweight exercises are in order again.

The secret is to do something and build on that. Doesn't matter how small. I remember the first time I tried doing a wallchair a couple of years ago. 15 seconds into that squat and I thought I was going to crumple up!
[QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]Biz- I know. I've even experienced in the past but I can't get moving! All I have interest in is eating cookies even when i'm not hungry. It's like I'm trying to sabotauge myself for some reason.
I lost 18 lbs. when i was really sick with the RA. I was able to eat anything I wanted and not gain.
Then all of a sudden it started jumping back on- 6 lbs. at a time. I gained it all back and now I can't stop eating.
I'm glad the RA isn't eating me up anymore- that means I'm healthy-but what am I going to do with this appetite?
Okay, I was going through the exact same thing you just described.  A group of friends all joined up with this program through our church called C-Life, and they ranted and raved about it as they dropped the pounds.  No drugs, no strenuous excercise or diet regime...  Then I finally got persuaded to come to a meeting...and here's what it's all about...
They tell you to...for one week, log every single thing you put in your mouth.  No matter how trivial...solid, or liquid...  THen look up the calorie and fat content.  It will shock the hell out of you, I promise!
Then they had us take our current weight, and multiply that by 12.  THAT is the number of calories we consume a day to maintain us at that weight.  If we wish to lose weight at a healthy rate of 2 lbs per week, subtract 1000 from that number, and start limiting your caloric intake to that new number.  Keep logging what you eat and drink, and subtract calories burned during any excercise that you do that day.  Also, limit your fat intake to 25% or less of your total daily calories.  (Each gram of fat = 9 calories, so it's easy to figure out).  You can find the caloric and fat content of just about any food by looking it up on sites like  http://calorie-count.com 
Doing this does three very important things... 
It teaches you a lot about nutritional value of the foods you eat
It forces you to learn portion control
It keeps you in charge of what you eat, and doesn't necessarily deny you
anything you like...you just have to learn to work it in to your daily allotment!
I've been doing this since around the end of January.  I've lost 18 lbs and it has been practically effortless.  I consider it a lifestyle change, rather than a "diet", per say, and I know I won't gain the weight back because I know exactly how many calories I can have each day.  Once I've reached my goal, I can add back the 1000 calories per day and maintain my goal weight without 'guessing' if I'm messing up.
I know that nothing can get you going until you are ready to do it....I just wanted to share with you how I got moving, once I decided it was time. 
My long range goal is to be able to buy a size 6 or 8 mother-of-the-bride dress to wear to my daughter's wedding next spring.  At the rate I'm going, I expect I will reach this goal well before that day...
Good luck and lots of hugs to you....  In addition I do the exercises designed for me by my physical therapist. Personally, I feel the exercise is better for me than knee surgery. Have A Long Way To Go But I'm Making Progress.  * Gentle Hugs * Biz-
Good for you 18 lbs lost already!
Truthfully I have followed this same method when I needed to lose the weight I picked up having 3 kids and it did work. I lost 25 lbs.  I know you will be completely successful.
I now know every calorie & fat gram of every food I put in my mouth. My new problem is no self control! I guess the prednisone isn't helping either.
You know what I need? A new shapely girl in our office to put me to shame- that'll motivate me to quit acting like a pig!
Good for you 18 lbs lost already!
Truthfully I have followed this same method when I needed to lose the weight I picked up having 3 kids and it did work. I lost 25 lbs.  I know you will be completely successful.
I now know every calorie & fat gram of every food I put in my mouth. My new problem is no self control! I guess the prednisone isn't helping either.
You know what I need? A new shapely girl in our office to put me to shame- that'll motivate me to quit acting like a pig!
Oh, you're right....it's very very difficult to ignore the hunger that is caused by prednisone. 
That does make it tougher, for sure.  Hopefully you can beat it though.  Trying on clothes (especially swimsuits) always helps motivate me!
good job to all of you who are working out!!  and losing weight!!
I am not.. :(
I think my time is coming though.  I am feeling a little better and did actually walk the 1/2 mile to a close field to watch my boys at lacrosse (a favorite thing to do that was much missed recently) and stood there for over 45 minutes and walked home.  I felt tired, but did not hurt.
I have called the YMCA and plan to get a family membership so that on the weeknights when my husband is working out of town, my youngest (12) and i can swim.  There are water aerobic classes at night but I'm not quite 'there" yet.
Keep on working out.  You are encouraging me!!

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