RA in jaw? | Arthritis Information


My flu is better and my son has recovered from his temporary alshiemers. He gave me the strawberry twizzlers i had asked for yesterday. I can not chew them. My jaw hurts. Very sore and weak feeling. Like how my knees feel when the swelling goes down they still ache if i walk on them. I have had a swollen face for a few weeks now. Oh well i can not chase men all of the time. It is my fav hobby. The back of my mouth the jaw. It was inflammed upper and lower inside of my mouth really badly for a few days but cleared up on it's own. I can breath fine and have no headache. Not all but alot i guess of the swelling has gone down in my face. Sons girl commented on how much better it looked last night.  And now i can not even eat my licorice.  RA in the jaw stinks.

I cant read aloud to the kids for more than a couple short books..  I cant chew  much of the time. I cant sing.
 I know Im holding my jaw funny when I sleep too.
Milly, you might want to get checked out by a dentist, just to make sure it's not some other type of problem. Well it is both sides the whole jaw. I drove the dentist nuts this year making him re exray everything. He wanted to call me a crazy lady instead he suggested it may be a chronic sinus problem.

They're sure it's not TMJ? Have you checked out the symptoms for that yet?

Really i do not know for sure what it is. I was just tired of it. Whatever it is. I want my face back. VENT!!! VENT!!!!  This being patient thing is ARGGG some days. So boo hoo for me. I will live through it. Just saying i do not just always have a rose colored glasses approach to this. Some days it makes me mad. I think thats alright to get mad some days. I am pretty much over my temper tantrum of the day. Sort of. I feel better than i felt a week ago. I should be patient i am getting better. I just do not like what i see when i look in the mirror. I do not know that person. I did want to say thank you to everyone that replied. I want to make it clear i am angry about the illness not anyone else. Oh i have been dealing with the hairloss scince i took the Arava. So the Mtx does not have alot to do to me if it chooses to. I have a bit of a belly coming on from the depomedrol shot. My face is swollen from either the pred or the jaw problem not sure and i have skin issues. My vanity is hurting big time. I will just have to learn to deal with it. I have been taking biotin and now folic acid. Surely my face will look better someday. But i clearly love all of you on the board unconditionally. Just want to make that clear. And you help and opinions are always so welcome.I have had alot of jaw issues. I thought it was TMJ so I got a mouthguard. My regular dentist ended up sending me to a specialist. After x-rays, he noted quite a bit of jaw deterioration. He says it is most definitely RA. So, I have a different type of mouth guard. He said that there is not much else to do. In the past, he says that they would have gone in and cleaned up the joint. Now he says they are leaning away from that since it appears to have not made a difference on patients. I do get cortisone shots there every 6 months.Milly, my face swells and jaw kills, gums swell and throb when I've got a really bad sinus infection coming.Where do you get the cortisone shot? I mean in your jaw or your behind? Doc said he would put cortisone shot in my knees if i want. I would let them put the shot in my jaw if that would make me beautiful again. Did your face swell?The jaw issue seemed to sneak up on me slowly over time. I didn't realize it was swollen until the the oral surgeon (named Dr. Kevorkian-scary huh?) had me bring an old picture into my appointment. He took one at the office. It wasn't so much swollen-it was like the shape of my face had changed.

The shot is in the jaw.   He said it should be no more than twice a year since every shot you get does a bit of joint damage. The jaw is under such stress-he doesn't want to make things worse.So i have to see an oral surgeon. I do not think i could handle one named Kevorkian. Thanks for the info.You regular dentist would be the one to see first.  They can evaluate your jaw and, if necessary, refer you to the right person.
Also, people with pain issues tend to clench their teeth in their sleep.  It is a natural reaction.  Your dentist or RD should be able to prescribe something for you to help with the issue.  That can cause alot of jaw pain.
RA in the jaw was one of my first symptoms, i really really hate it.  It makes it so hard to eat and lasts forever.Well i took my starter does of Mtx last weekend. It helped a little. So i take it again tomorrow. I am sure it will get raised when i go back in three weeks. So i should hopfully stop whinning in the near future. Maybe do not anyone hold there breath on that. I believe in getting things out of my system. When i am mad at someone i write them a letter. Never give it to them just get it down on paper. Then i feel better. I too have ra in jaw. Both sides now. It is not fun. I would wrap my heating pad around my face and it helped the pain but I couldn't breathe. Breathing is mandatory, so I tried icy hot and rubbed my eyes after. OWIE!!! Not recommended. Make sure to wash hands well after using that stuff. LOL Really though, that stuff burns!
I hope you get feeling better soon.

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