Dear RA | Arthritis Information


Just thought I'd vent with some words for RA:

Stupid disease! 

Thanks, I'm good now. 

Feel free to add anything you'd like to say to RA.
Dear RA
Bugger off and leave me in peace.
Me, too, much better

  I am sorry but you will have to go. I can not have you here interfering with every aspect of my life. Including my spelling. I have had it. And ha! ha! i will not miss you. You are a real big jerk. And stay away from my friends also. 

milly2008-03-28 13:50:25Dear RA,
You stink. You come out of no where and change people's lives pulling the rug out from under them. You scare them with your statistics of being more prone to other diseases and conditions. You scare them with thoughts of deformity and disability. You pick the joints they use the most to make their living with or that they use to do the hobbies they love and make them painful.
Dear RA,
I wasn't expecting you when you dropped in suddenly two years ago.  I wasn't happy to see you, but you have grown on me.  Now I don't mind seeing you once in awhile, but you have become my constant companion and it's making life pretty difficult.  This has got to stop.  It's not me, it's you.  I need some time to find myself.  We've grown apart.  I need my space.  Maybe we can still be friends.
For starters though I will just mention.....
Dear RA,
Since you have taken over my life you have made my children suffer, my relationships suffer and my life was forever changed. You have cost me sooo much money that it has nearly ruined me financially. You have ruined my health, made me take dangerous medications and have been responsible for ruining my career choice. At times you have engulfed my mind, body and soul to the point that it has completely changed the person I once was. You cause me pain. You cause me grief.  You have changed the way I view my world.
I have met many kind people through you, and for  that I am thankful for, but quite frankly each one of us would have preferred our lives without you.
I want my life returned to me. I want to be able to enjoy my grandchildren and my golden years". SO tell me, exactly how in the world are you going to change things so I am able to do these. What is your plan?
Dear RA.......
Never liked you, never are an ass.
I hate you!
Dear RA, and Fibro,
Our client, Jodejjr, has filed suit against you for damages including in part, loss of wages, hardships  and medical services ( all inclusive of medically physical,  dental, medical and emotional,anxiety attacks. ER visits) incurred before and beyone and since November 1991. The total has not been equated at this time but will be in the Billions due to suffering by her, her children, and love of her life.
jodejjr2008-03-28 14:31:05Dear Ra , You were a suprise when you came visiting 11 years ago . You were an unwanted visitor and you still are !!
It's time for you to move out and be on your own . Please do not move in with anyone else as you will be a burden to them also . Good bye and good ridance .
Good one Jode!Dear JRA,
    Oh, how I can fondly remember the days of leg splints and honey coated asprin pills. The days of being pushed in a stroller at the "old" age of 5 because you wouldn't let my legs work. Maybe I was mad at you then, but when I look back now I wouldn't want my life any other way. Because of you, I am who I am. And I like me. So thank you, as strange as that may seem. Maybe you can call it "Stockholm syndrome" but I don't care.
When you left me at 12, I was so sad. I was used to you being around that your sudden departure threw me for a loop. I was sad, because you left me with the ability to run, jump, and apply myself physically. But I was so far behind everyone else it was almost a lost cause. Over time, I forgot about you. I had moved on.
And now you've sent your big brother to join my every day. I feel like maybe you're sorry that you abandoned me and sending "Ol' Arthur" is your way of making it up to me. I assure you, it's not nessecary. I have moved on, and I wish you would too. Your brother has over stayed his welcome and is, quite frankly, a bruden on me and my family.
That being said, I realize "Ol' Arthur" can be difficult to uproot, and that you are not his keeper. I'd still like you to talk to him, if you don't mind. Until then, I'll be waging my protest against him and am enlisting your help. I have no idea how that works, logistically, but whatever.
Dear Jode's attorney,

Please be advised that my client and several I represent would like to join you in a class action suit against RA.

Another Tourney
People's District
Another atorney for Joy and others,
You are more than welcome to join in the suit by jodejjr, please advise on date of DX and expenses ( all expenses including travel and hardship) in your response. Also be advised we are also suing for hardship of children's life  experience endured during their lifetime of parent with RA and  spousal loss including  boyfriends loss. Familal discord from parents and or siblings is also included in this suit.
jodejjr's attorney
jodejjr2008-03-28 15:40:51To the attention of jodejjr's Attourney,
A motion to include compensation for the loss of my client's hair will be put forth.  Another is considered for emotional damage due my client's limitations on footware choices.  Her husband may seek compensation for loss of spousal enjoyment due to her erratic sleeping patterns. (But honestly, my client thinks her husband is adjusting quite well to her absence and keeps buying more fly fishing gear when she is sleeping.)
A.N. Atourney
To the attorney of Joy and others ,
It is with great pleasure I will include  compensation for hair loss and emotional footwear choice dilema along with and including loss of spousal enjoyment and all fishing equipment, tools for projects or new cars . Mileage to and fro withstands. Spousal argument also included. Please state hours of discord, this includes arguments  that go from fighting about lethargy or pain and spills into other areas such as lack of socks,clean underwear,  meals burnt or not on time,  and  teenager argument. Also state any and all hardship on infants to toddlers for lack of energy or sleep due to RA or fibro.  This is within the limitaions of code zzz401k .
Among case described we are also including causes of anger and unneccesary arguments to be compensated. THis all falls under the title heading of  "I am sick of this sh*t". Clause 3. 
Please advise any further information or action needed to be taken.
Papers will be filed asap.
jodejjr's attorney.
jodejjr2008-03-28 16:16:55Dear RA....
Please be advised that lack of footwear choices and loss of hair for all RA and Fibro sufferers comes under the title of "emotional female and male distress" and is held at greater value. "loss of hair" also falls under the self esteem catagory  which has triple value.
 Dear RA.
Go away. nobody likes you. You just think they do because they let you go everywhere with them.
Nyah nyah nyah

Dear Ra.......

I am also including in this suit "stalking" charges and "tagging along unwanted " charges. Please be advised that more than one attorney will be working on this multifaceted suit.
jodejjr's attorney

Dear RA,

You turned my world upside down. How could you do such a thing to someone? You took away the biggest part of me and now I am left to deal with the pieces. You stole who I am, but you are not taking my soul.
Dear RA,
*takes out shotgun*
HOLEE SH** are scarin' the bageezees outta me!
did you at least hit the target???????
Dear RA,
Please inform us of your current situation.
I had a double barrel. There's no way I missed. lolol
Yeah right!
Dear RA,
Please inform on your status....repeat, please inform on your status.
Arris, watch where you are pointin that darned  thing will ya?  DANG WOMAN! I didn;t know you were carrin a gun!
Dear RA,
Please be informed that not all people are prepared to settle this in a civil manner. Many are pulling in RD's for nuclear warfare.
Jodejjr's attorney
ARRIS: Please note  nuclear warfare may work better........double barreled shotguns are quesitonable.
Dear RA:
OMG, I'm KILLING myself here!!   On another note, thanks to all for the posts.  It's important to just get it out once an a while.  And, when we can start laughing at it, all the better.

Now off to ring my attorney ... I think I may have to file for additional financial hardships and unexpected opportunity costs brought on by RA induced fishing gear shopping.

Dear RA,

Thanks for taking a vacation for a while, while I have other problems to attend to. But I do not appreciate the "calls" you make to me to rub it in that you are still around.
Dear RA,
  You have been an unwelcome intruder in my life and I wish we had never met. 


You are rude, crude, cross-crude, totally without any redeeming social value, whatsoever, and that ain't all!! So go away and leave us all alone!
Dear Ra, I pray that your time with us is getting closer to the end, Some of us have been successful in taming you, others are putting up a big fight to get you out of our lives, We will WIN this battle. only a matter of time................

Well PUT!

Dear RA and Fibro,
I cannot remember a day without you. I do not know what it is like to wake up without pain. I do not know what it is like to be with my husband without pain. You have taken the first year of my marriage and took some very precious things from me. You have destroyed hopes and created fears in both my husband and I. I cannot explain how much I would like to feel my age. Goodness I am 21 get the Hell outa my life! I wanna dance, I wanna skip, I wanna RUN! I don't know who you think you are but you have got to go. Because of you I lost most of my hair, I am sick all the time and take very cruel medications. I am warning you, if you don't leave now I will inflict the pain you have cause me and all my friends multiplied by a billion and haunt you the rest of your life!
You have your warning!
Oh and I am going to get involved in the suit. Thanks! I have so much to add to it! Hair loss, loss of childhood, loss of quality of life, ect...oh can I go on.
Oh this is a great page! My poor hubby is having a rough day with my JRA and I read this to him and he had a laugh! Thanks
Dear RA,

YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED!! Look at what you've done to these people?? How COULD you?

*smacks Arthur upside the head*

Now you march over there, and say you're sorry. Then, you can go STRAIGHT to your room and STAY THERE until I say to come out.
Dear RA,
(for my fellow Grey's Anatomy fans)
FLORIDA DOES NOT SOUND NICE!!!  Dear RA, apart from ruining all the before mentioned by my colleagues, I would particularly like to thank you for ruining a once happy healthy sex life, now its when and if I can, and poor hubby won't initiate in case I am too sore/tired/flaring or all of the above.

Thanks for undoing me like a jigsaw puzzle and putting me all back together the wrong way!!!!!!! 

Dear RA,

Dude, just you wait, I'm gonna make you eat your family. I'm going to make you rue the day you thought it would be good to do a "drive-by" on me. That's right, they have drugs and they are going to work for me. Have you ever heard of Dresden? That's what you are going to be reduced to in the end. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but I have so much time ahead of me, it could happen any day now. You have been warned.

No love,

P.S. _popupControl(); Joy
Thanks for starting this post. It has gotten very entertaining and helped us get a lot off our chests!
Dear RA,
The clients involved in this case are including in this suit lack of sex life due soley to you. Also included is proof that your  intent is to do  physical harm.  Rheumatologist have studied and made your harmful ways their lifes' work only to be faced with patients looking for hope and and answers.
Puffiness, weight gain, dry eyes, mouth and skin along with erosion of skeletal stuctures will be ammended into the suit.
jodejjr2008-03-29 09:04:16Dear RA
My V chip is blocking you! Dear RA,
I don't want to be rude, but I wish I had never met you. I remember being able to enjoy more aspects of my life before I met you.
Dear RA,
Ohhhh SAME HERE!!!!!!!!!!! Now I am forced a new life because of you!I too used to enjoy waking up each morning.
What a cathartic experience and a super idea!  Here goes!
RA, when you entered my life more than a decade ago, I had no idea of the enemy within.  I sought help from caring docs to deal with the blows you were inflicting on this body.  Jode, I too recall the delicious feeling of waking up in the morning and enjoying the sumptuous comfort of the bed.  That is one of the things I miss since RA came around.  Now I need to hobble to the bathroom and keep moving until the joints feel more flexible.  And this is only because of the great meds that keep me mobile.  I miss that other life a lot!  The one that let me paint rooms all by myself...and work in the garden for hours with no payback later on.  HOWEVER -- you didn't deprive me of holding my two grandchildren because I told my rheum that I needed to be able to cuddle babies when that time came.  So even if I have to limit some of the holding of my 28 lb grandson, I can cuddle with him on the sofa...and am able to hold his 15 lb sister.  Sad when we talk of their weights rather than their ages.
RA, you do stink in every way, but you will never beat me (or any of us) because we aren't taking this disease sitting (nor lying) down.  We will stand up to you and smack you with whatever is handy.  Even if it means using a cane to do it. 
thanks for being here, people.  you truly rock!
Molly, same here,  the mornings are what I miss the most.
I would have done things differently. I would have cherished my good moments more. I woudl have realized what I had before all this.
I would have thought out things more and say each and every morning, "man it is a great life".
This post has been  a huge eye opener for me.  Wow, wow, wow ... well done everyone!

About Arthur-Ritis

Please let go.

You have no right to

Treat me this way.

This is abuse.

Do you hear me?

This is abuse!

The strange part of this is,

that I can do nothing

to stop you.

You have a mind of your own.

Oh, there are pills, lotions,

Infusions and doctors, doctors

And more doctors.

I even had to part with my favorite rings

my favorite shoes

my favorite dresses

And all because of you.

What an evil thing you are

and you are all over the world.

Somewhat like the terrorists,

the hurricanes and tornadoes,

you just pop up everywhere,

ruin lives and families.

You just make your entrance

do your damage and then ----

move on to destroy more lives.

Hopefully someday, something

will come along to destroy

all of these evil things.

Until then, we will move on

quite slowly at times

and other times it

will be like the good ole days

when pain was just a headache

from having too much fun the

night before.

I can dream can’t I?

I love this!! gotten some much needed laughs
loved the stalking part, and ohh can we poison you
(lol thanks snow owl)
well thanks Ra, you've now made me into a druggie.
I'm now officially addicted to valium, i realize this, yet, i can't afford to leave it.
I'm now taking major opiates, every single f day..
i've lost a lot of my creativity, every day, i never know what i can do , and you know what i resent the most, is all the walking, I could have done before, and didn't do.. (tho i did a fair amt)
I miss my WALKS!!! exploring the neighborhood, going just 2 f blocks down the street, to the nature preserve and the horse farm..
I want my long walks again, !!! i want my mental clarity back again (well as much as one can be manic -d! lol)..
I never know how much i can do.. and i'm soo sick of people saying do this or do that.. and i do try, but then just when i think i'm "ok".. you come and kick me..
i esp hate it when people ask how is your "arthritis"
its NOT arthritis, its RA.. (yes, i have a HUGE pet peeve, against the mere word arthritis)
arthritis doesn't make you feel like you have the flu, all the time, it doesn't give you this constant weird fatigue, it doesn't take away your self confidence,
it doesn't totally mess w/ your life, to this extent.
lets see, i have this choice now, to be in constant pain or to be drugged full time, lovely!!!
man, i didn't realize how MAD i am, I want to be the one helping people,  not the other way around
(tho i do appreciate your providing someone to do the housecleaning and dishes!!).. but taking away my independence.. well i'll continue to fight for that.
At least wheelchairs are fun!! they are, lol, the electric ones at Walmart, the grocerystores, i get a kick out of them and running into things and getting the Wide eye, look, of people when i do run over something, and say hey, at least i'm not driving!! LOL
You could at least provide me w/ a car!!
A Toyota Prius Hybrid.. candyapple red..
Thank you!
and yes, Seriously (said in that greys anatomy tone :) )... Go away.... bugger off!!


Dear RA
You are such a coward! You entered my life in my early teens but didn't have the guts to introduce yourself. You disguised yourself as many different things so that you made the doctors doubt me over and over again and they made me almost believe that it was all in my head! I now have severely damaged joints because of you and live in fear that my children will get it  in their future and can only pray that they don't. You are such a creep that you gave it to my younger sister too. You don't have a conscience and I hate you most of all because you took away the thing that was most precious to MOM. RA,
You win.   Obviously you do not care how badly I feel or how much I hurt so you win. I have fought you and fought you and you always win in the end don't ya? SO fine, win.


Haven't you overstayed your welcome? I think after 14 years of uninvited occupancy in my home and my life it is time for you to move on. You are old enough to go face the big wide world on your own without clinging to and being reliant on me. After all, you have a different agenda in life than I do and you are holding me back from everything I want to do. If you leave, you will find alot of your own kind - like the Immune City where you will meet the old Lupus that has retired from me and also many other diseases that you can talk to about your time here with me. So I would like to bid you farewell and wish you a happy life with your new family in Immune System City. Please do not revisit as I have moved on and don't like to rehash old life stuff. Just know that I will always remember our time together, as unfortunately you are hard to forget. Goodbye! It's time to go!
Whoa, that is a good idea!
RA took my mom, too....20 years ago.  No, it wasn't was cardiovascular disease which was part of the RA but no one knew that back then.  They gave her pain relief...she lived on coated aspirin.  But she had hypertension, a stroke, and 2 heart attacks.  If only.....
so this is why I use big guns on this disease.  It's not for the joints/damage but to keep the other stuff at bay. 
I, too, get riled when people refer to this as "just arthritis" because I'd take some osteoarthritis any day.  I know it hurts, but it doesn't affect all the organs, etc. like RA does. 
Totally loved this thread!  Sounds like we should make this a weekly thread...with common themes!
Ra , I miss the days of not having to take drugs just to keep your pain from getting into my body . I want to go back to when all I had to take were vitamins . So you can go now !!
I'm done !!
At first i was afraid, I was petrified
I kept thinking you would never leave my side
I spent all my days thinking
how you did me wrong
I learned how to carry on
But now your back
invading my space
you just flared up and gave me that pained look upon my face
I took all those nasty meds
And I took care of me
but still you come around and keep on pestering me.
Go on go, get out my life
just be off now
stop causing all this strife
You were the one who tried to hurt me with this pain
you thought id give in and i'd never live again
As long as I know how to fight
I know i'll stay alive
I've got all my life to live
I've got all my strength to give
Well maybe that will do the trick