The Neck Thingy | Arthritis Information


Well... I am throughly convinced that my neck problem is RA and not fibro. Fibro does play a role in it, but RA starts it. It is like they are both fighting over my neck and one says "Hey! I can make her neck hurt worse than you  can!" And the other one says "Oh NO you can't, watch this!"

My neck has been fine since the last Remicade infusion. It has yet to bother me like it has been. It almost reminds me of how the Humira made it all better too.
So I have been thinking about the times my neck got so stiff and painful, and how there were those few times it hurt my neck to swallow. Maybe the reason it hurt my neck when I swallowed was from the nodules on my thyroid pressing on my already swelled, stiff neck. It was a thought. is scared to think about all of the possibilities...they are endless, but I am certain that it could be a possibility.  Gosh, I am so sorry to think about the losses you have experienced this last week. 

It is fine. I am just going with it all. I have yet to break down about anything that has happened or even been said, because I was so out of it that I do not remeber much of it all. I just have what GP told me Thursday in my mind. Most anything before that is fuzzy and hard to recall. It has yet to sink in what all has happened and discovered this past week.

Other than the right side of my face and my left arm being numb, so are my emotions about all of this. I guess I am doing what I do best when things get rough for me, I turn into an emotionless person and just keep it bottled up and then eventually locked away in a chest in the far back of my mind. I guess it also helps I cannot remember most of it anyways.
Now, I just have to deal with this all when my mind is able to remember. And yet it just seems like I missed a part of my life. Like I just jumped from A to C and missed B some where. That is how all of this feels like to me. It is not surreal, it is like a piece is missing and I am left picking up the pieces trying to find where the missing piece has gone.
Oh well... I am off to sleep. I have to wake up hubby in 2 hours so he can go to work. I just hope I do not let him miss work. I have been sleeping deeply for the last 3 days. Not much of anything wakes me up, except to go pee. Usually every noise, sound or even movement woke me up. Not this week. Best sleep I ever got! LOL!
joonie2008-03-29 00:20:54