The Gluten Arthritis Connection | Arthritis Information


Happy to hear of your success.


There has been a lot of people on here that have said that their RA symptoms have gotten better after takeing gluten out of their diets....I wonder what the connection is and why it has such a big role in it

Congratulations, ArtistDeb.  I was wondering if you were tested for a gluten allergy/sensitivity?  I didn't see anything about that on the link.  We haven't eliminated anything for my daughter, because her tests all came back fine.  I'm always on the fence as to whether or not we should try elimination without knowing.
Primal Defense - that is a probiotic, right?   
I like your paintings.Oh wow, i brought gluten by force back into my diet and am having horrible problems with digestion and pain again.  It sucks.Bubba, stop eating gluten!

I mean, wha' the....?PS. Bob's Red Mill has just come out with a GLUTEN FREE oatmeal! WHOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!

I heart oatmeal, and so do the probiotic bacteria living in my gut!That is great!  I guess it does help some people.  The newest thing now is to eat gluten free + vegan.  Wow! Is the vegan part hard to do.!  I keep trying, but I just have to cheat and have an egg, fish or chicken here or there.  I eat a gluten - dairy free diet religously because I have to, I don't have a choice, and I still hurt.  But, who knows how much worse I would be if I didn't.   Maybe that is why I have so little and infrequent swelling? Well. I haven't checked out the site yet.. but I am remembering in the 90's when I was on (carb free) Atkins and was feeling terrific!! 
It's a small price to pay if that is what will work!!  I should try that again.
I was reading how gluten and celiac disease makes joint pain, might explain the weird stabbing pains i have been talking about in the forums lately.Should I consider the possibility that I may be glutin sensitive even if I don't have digestive  problems? 