mab52 aka Mike | Arthritis Information


How are things going for you? The hip any better with the addition of the new med? Hi Joonie,
Yes I think it's getting a bit better. Just a bit sore now. I think I might see if I can walk a bit on it--to the store and back. I'm not taking any of the Vicodin even if it hurts a little.

The rest of my aches are almost now under control. Still stiff though.

Think we're on to something!  Well, I am glad you are not in so much pain now. The stiffness it is probably the most annoying, for me anyways. Pain I can take, unless it starts to wear at me mentally and physically. I do not like to take pain meds either. I just go without until I cannot take it any longer and need a break. I have read it is not good to do that, but I do it anyways.

Hope the new med continues to help you. And hope that walk to the store does you some good.
Keep us posted on how you are doing.   Joonie , You are too sweet ! with all the things going on in your life you still
have time to think of others .
Mab52 , I hope you start feeling better !
Hope there's no pay back, Mike! Glad you're feeling a bit better.Good job on the 2 mile walk, Mike! You are much braver than I! I have never been able to walk a mile, even when I was at my best physical shape, but I also had JRA.
Here is to hoping and praying you do not have any type of payback. But if you do get payback just know that you done something good for yourself.
