WonderWoman... Checking Up On You | Arthritis Information


I thought about you today, before I left to go over in-laws house. I realized I had not seen a post from you in a while. But hubby was rushing me and I did not get a chance to make my see about you post. Darn rushing hubbies!

So... how have you been doing? I hope you have been doing a little better.

dear joonie

 i have been better.  the 1st week on arava felt good!   now it is causing lots of loose stools and keeping me close to the toilet :-(    so i do not know...   wonderwoman

oh wow i am a senior member!!!!Glad to hear the Arava is making you do better, but sorry about the poo problem. I did not have that side effect. Sorry you do. Maybe there is something that can be done to help with it. I do not know what it is, but I am sure your RD might be able to find something to help you out.
Congrats on making it to Senior Member!
Even # post, I am off to watch HitMan! Nite!
I have to take iron tablets and as they make me constipated they stop the problem with diarhea from the arava. So they balance out each other.
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