My Rant... I HATE! | Arthritis Information



No really, I hate chicken. It is probably my least favorite thing to eat.
Now, I am reduced to eating chicken. We bought a lot of chicken the other night. Hubby said I need to eat chicken until my BP is down.
Why did I have to get some thing that made it to where I had to eat chicken? Why could I not have gotten some thing that changed my diet to eating more sugar?
I wish chicken became one of the endangered speices of the world. That way there was no such thing a eating chicken ever again!
Or how about all the chickens are abducted by aliens and moved to their planet and chickens ceased to exist on Earth and were considered Gods on the alien planet!
Chicken is just not my favorite meat in the world.
I know I can eat fish, but I have to keep one menu and hubby does not eat fish. He will eat all the chicken in the world, but he refuses to eat fish.
Ok... I am done. I got it all out of my system for now. Until I am forced to eat chicken for a week straight, then I might get a little a Long Island Red attitude and peck someone's eyes out!
Eat vegetables instead. There a billion things you can do with them. They are delicious. _popupControl(); I thought about going on a salad diet, but I like dressing on my salads. Other wise it just tastes not so good. LOL!
I will probably switch over to salads soon! I HATE chicken.
When we use to eat dinner with in-laws, that is all we ate was chicken, because FIL was having heart problems and all he got to eat was plain grilled chicken and baked potato. We got bar-b-que chicken. I swear for 2 months straight it was chicken for everyone! Then I started complaining about why we had to eat chicken all the time too, then MIL made us other stuff to eat.
I shutter at the thought of having to eat chciken like that again!
I'm with PaperDoll...explore the exciting world of foods that are plants!I don't know much about HB. You have to be on a reduced fat diet? How are you cooking the chicken?
Maybe search receipes and find another way to cook it.
Chicken's my favorite. I could make chicken every night and cook it a different way and my family would love me!
Sorry you have to deal with this diet stuff too Joonie. Hang in'll get use to it after a while.
Joonie, pick up some cookbooks on cooking for cardiac patients (or search the Net for recipes).  When my husband had a heart attack, we changed our eating habits, but we're certainly not relegated to a lifetime of plain chicken.  Chicken fajitas, chicken kabobs, chicken soup, roast chicken (don't eat the skin!!!), etc.  We eat red meat on occasion.  I love chicken, send it to me.  How about fish?  I cannot eat any kind of seafood....... yuck!!  Laurawhat about pork (lean of course)  the "other white meat" ???
I feel for you.. I do.. I hate that medical issues tell us what we can eat..
but I have to say your Vent made me least you still have a good sense of humor!!
lean lean beef has no more fat and cholesterol than chicken. eat meat as a side dish not the main dish.. try stuff like "fried'" rice, using broth instead of oil, and add small amounts of beef or pork to it.
when I first got cardiomyopathy I was hysterical thinking I couldnt eat anything.
 The first thing to remember is it is YOUR body and YOUR choice. If eating chicken stresses you out to the point that the benefits are gone, what is the point?
 Find a way to eat safely for you that doesnt make you crazy. I had to cut way way way back on salt and I thought  hey a snap no big deal  since I am not a salt addict..WRONG!!  it was hard and made me crazy and after a while I said the hell with it, and discovered I was eating less salt anyway.
there is a great great website like this one for cardiomyopathy patientsd and chf paitients (congestive heart failure) the people w=there are wonderful and the cooking stuff is awesome..
this takes you to the index
good luck and if you need to talk  pm me
kathy_in_wlsv2008-03-30 09:46:56Joonie, don't forget that eating is only part of the problems with HBP, and yes...lean beef is just as lean as chicken.  Do not relagate yourself to a life of chicken, b/c that is not good either.  I do think that you need to do some research on what is do need to raise the intake of good veggies and fruit...don't forget about fiber...a lot of the problems with our systems seems to be linked to fiber. 
Tell, hubby that he can have chicken, but you will have a tuna sandwich with whole wheat bread and some cucumbers on the side! 
You have to remember that he is really worried right now, so he wants to make sure you will be around.  So, he is overreacting a little about restricting you to chicken, but I can understand...he has been scared out of his wits!  Talk to him about that...instead of your hate for chicken!
I LOVE chicken.  Matter of fact it's tonights dinner.
Sorry to hear you have to eat something you don't like.
Poor Joonie....when hubby had to lose 25 lbs we ate so much chicken that we were all pecking in the dirt after awhile (to find something else to eat undoubtedly!).
But seriously, chicken can be used in a thousand different ways.  And true very lean beef is also good too.  I buy the most expensive lean cuts of beef and end up spending about on a crockpot of beef stew that is fabulous.  And it gives us 2 meals.
Everyone gave you excellent alternatives here so I'll just in moderation anything you choose and it should be fine.  "In moderation" is the catch phrase.  So quarter pounder at Mickey D's is not a good choice, but a lean burger of modest proportions is.
take care...:)  Molly Bee
But... if you absolutely MUST have a quarter pounder once in a while (you can ask them not to salt the burger!), it's not going to kill you, either.  My husband's cardiologist stressed that repeatedly. Any chance you like turkey?  I think it's even healthier than chicken...Well no salt recipes. Try some Rosemary and lemon juice to flavor. Sorry you do not like chicken. No fryed chicken no barbequed chicken. Tell hubby to eat the chicken and get yourself some fish.Isn't it horrible when you are forbidden to eat something you love and are forced to eat something you hate?
I agree with the other posts- try some vegetarian and fish  in between forcing the chicken.
Good Luck and maybe it won't be for long!
Joonie - one more question.

Did your doctor tell you to make such drastic dietary changes, or is this the husband's idea?

I ask because when my husband had the heart attack, it took me a while to accept the fact that he did not have to live on vegetables and unseasoned broiled chicken for the rest of his life.  He even had to get his cardiologist to talk to me, to convince me that it was OK for him to eat things he liked. Joonie, Tyson makes this awesome chicken that has flavor already in it. In our Walmart here, they're kinda in the center fridges across from the hamburger meat. You pop the little bird in the oven for about 35 mins and it is oh, so good! (My mouth is watering just thinking about it!) You also might try to sneak in some Mahi Mahi - it doesn't have that fishy taste. They call it the steak fish.