My friend is very ill | Arthritis Information


I have a friend in Indiana who is very ill. She was my boss in college, we are the same age, our boys were about the same age, and she was my mentor and rock while attending College.

She ran the dept. for students in the Adaptive Computer Tech lab, was blind through a disease and managed to also have her own consulting company where she traveled the world.
SHe has always been my inspiration.
Among an assortment of ailments including neuropathy and another disease that has left her barely able to walk, her gall bladder has stones and an unidentifiable "shadow" on all tests. THey cannot ooperate because the Dr. feels he would not be able to find an anesthesiologist to assist in the surgery due to her medical problems.
This is heartwrenching to me. THis woman has accomplished more success without sight than many do with their sight. Had it been me, I would have been in a ball on the floor in some corner not being able to cope, but not her.......not her, she manages each day with a smile and love and a zest for life.
I just wanted to share this story about this phenominal woman who has helped so many disabled people in her life. For those of you who pray, please send one up for Leah, for others, a positive thought in her name would be greatly appreciated.
Prayers are sent !!Prayers sent for Leah. I'm sorry about your friend. I hope all goes well for her and they can find someone to help her. Sending out prayers to your friend.  I hope she can find something to help her.  Gallbladder problems are no fun at all.  Very painful.God bless, i will say a prayer for you and your friend.thankyou all so much