Enbrel Blood sugar levels | Arthritis Information


Anybody know if there are any correlations between enbrel and Blood sugar levels. Diabetes or hypoglycemia???  Thanks Don't know about Enbrel, but are you on prednisone?  Pred can bring on diabetes.  Another reason they take our blood so much.

I haven't heard of it before, but maybe it would be worth checking out? My RD's solution to how I was feeling was to increase the pred, which I haven't done, but actually have been feeling better since Friday.  How long have you been taking the Enbrel now?


OK i checked it out in a reference book I have and there's no mention of this -however - I don't think they know enough about this drug to rule it out because it says at the end that any other side effects should be reported to the Committee on the Safety of Medicines so I'd get it checked out with the Docs.   Went to the Endrocronologist ? After a week levels came back OK. Tyhroid, Pituitary and sugar. I've been off all meds for 4 weeks. Many symptoms are returning so it looks like MTX ( 3 pills ) and re-introducing Enbrel......Man.....
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