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Wow. Oh my. I have read about it in the past and it did not ever hit me like what i just read tonight. It was everything i have experienced in the past few months. Everything wierd strange and me. Well it is late i will read it again in the morning. But yes that would explain alot.  It was so wierd it was perfect. It was me. It is just like you hit the right page and go wow. Well i could be wrong but in all my life i have never seen all my unexplained confusing things that no doctor knows what awful thing could be causing all on one page. Just rattleing off each bazare problem one after another. Has anything ever seemed just so perfect before. Why have i never read this before. Why do the doctors not know? How many months i have had just these problems and how many years the others. I will let you know i must go to bed now. I will need some sleep for this one. As i am not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing that i found this. I will fill you all in after some comunications with my doctors. Isn't the computer a great thing? Not all that long ago, I found my identical chemotherapy and disease stage linked to arthritis on the internet. Doesn't fully explain everything, but at least I know that I'm not losing my mind. (That happened much sooner ) Milly- we are waiting to hear from youWell RD was all about how i had conflicting illnesses and several. Well would Lyme Disease and RA being conflicting diseases or what? That would cause everything even TMJ with swelling, chronic sinus or worsened previous condition. Teeth pain. Cyst, TIA, Meniers type symptems. Does that sound like anyone we know? And on and on. Well i tried to get tested years ago and the old doc and RD said that i needed just one big red swollen joint and not several. I had gotten sick after a tic bite. I had hives all over my head and the worst imaginable headache. They gave me antibiotics. For possible Lyme Disease and then would not test me for LD. Does that make scence. I mean i probably already had RA. But could this be the problem why i do not classically fit either profile perfectly because i have both? So i was reading where you do not have to fit this perfect profile as a matter of fact they more or less described me as the profile. So i believe we will be testing for this now. I do not know how easy it would be to treat both. Argg!! It sure would answer alot of question. It does not change my RA dx just it would solve so many mysteries.

Getting tested sure isn't going to hurt anybody and if it's positive it can be treated!

Good Luck!
Hi Milly,
Good on you for doing your research! I often wonder about persons with multiple diagnoses...is Lyme the underlying cause?
You could be right that you had RA prior to Lyme infection, Lyme can make it worse just like it did to my hip Osteo. The left ankle that I had broken prior to becoming infected was much sorer than my right ankle when Lyme flared. Lyme appears to have a penchant for previous injury. Having said that, Lyme can cause RA symptoms, that is how it was discovered in 1975.
I wouldn't depend on much help from a rheumatologist or neurologist for a diagnosis of Lyme, you will have to find a LLMD, Lymenet can help to find you a doctor.
Igenex in California is favoured by many Lyme patients for testing.
Good luck with your research.

Forgive my ignorance, but don't they check for a lyme titer, when checking for lyme???

Lyme testing is notoriously poor, that is why you need a LLMD who has the experience to give a clinical diagnosis based on the patients symptoms, somewhat like seronegative RA patients who are given a diagnosis by a rheumatologis based on symptoms.
Clear as mud?
hi milly never heard heard of lyme disease here in the uk, but we do have docs
who try to tell you all symptons or side effects are all in the head..

shame they can not pop into our bodies for a day.. then seewhat they say.. Boney
Oh I wish I could do that to the doc I saw yesterday. I wonder if he would treat himself...hm....OY!Boney, Lyme is alive and doing well in the UK, somewhat the same as here in BC, the experts say it is not but patients know differently.

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