what kind of wrist braces do you use? | Arthritis Information


Back when I thought this was carpal tunnel (still wondering and have RD appt on Fri) I bought a brace with a metal support in it.  I hate it, though, because its black and so obvious.  I looked to see what else they had at WalMart and saw some that were flesh toned and didn't have the metal support but were more for compression perhaps?  One of the things that seems to make my wrist feel better isn't so much the bar but the tightness of the support so I'm thinking those others might be the ticket.  Before I buy them, though, I thought I'd see what you guys use and recommend.

Mine are the ones that they gave me after hand surgery, and after I broke my wrist......they help tremendously...need to get those back out.I have the flesh ones you spoke of. Kind of like a glove with cut off fingers. The wrist part resembles an ace bandage and has velcro so you can make it as tight or loose as you want. I found them helpful when my hands were pretty much useless. it allowed me to hold a fork to feed myself etc..Mine are flesh colored and also have the metal bar in them. I mainly just wear them at night. The other kind seems like they would be better for daytime use when you actually have to use your hands. I can't get much done with mine on; but they help a lot at night. That's when I've had the most trouble anyway.Go to a medical supply store they have many different ones.  Do you have where there is trouble with  around the thumb and into the meaty part of your palm below the thumb? If so get a thumb splint , mine gives support to the wrist and into the hand and around the thumb.  If you have insurance and the dr is willing to write a scrip for them you could get them for free.  hope that helps.   memeI absolutely love the black ace one with the metal bar. its the only kind with enough support. sadly the exact model I love isn't available, but I have 4 or 5 laying around the house so I'm set for a while.Mine is big and bulky. Goes all the way to the elbow like a splint. Ties my fingers in place at night. I only use mine for sleeping unless really bad. Mine are tan colored.  I have two types.
One is reversable, you can have it on either hand and it is a full hand brace, up to the fingers and down the arm a little.  I dont' like it too much because no matter how tight i put it, my arm can still swing around in it sometimes.  But it keeps it from bending forward.
I have another that is mainly for my thumbs but works great on my wrist as well.  It wraps around the wrist and thumb tightly, i love it.
Hi Rachel,
You should tell your RD that you need a wrist brace and don't know what kind you need. When I did that my RD sent me to an occupational therapist who custom makes the kind of splint that I should have for my needs. Good luck. I've always wanted black!!! lol.. I think they're sexier!!!
I have the ultra sexy flesh, boring tan ugly large wrist ones, from below fingers, down to wrist..
But.. as a friend, told me, they're beautiful if they help and they do!!
I look fine, and esp when i use the wheelchairs, at stores, i always wear one of them..
Yep, they're noticable, too bad, they HELP.. and yes.. FREE... my dr, wrote a script..
and noo they didn't have black.. arghh..
The STEEL BAR, is the KEY... imo, to helping.. so no, i wouldn't buy at walmart, the soft ones, no bar..
Driving .. the rare times, i get to, make a Huge difference.. and on the keyboard..
and everything..
I tried sleeping w/ them, but found out, when i woke up, in the middle of the night, i must have flung them off.. hope the cats didn't get hit!! Lol.. eek..
so i can't sleep w/ them.. and use, as needed...
They DO make a HUGE difference in how my wrists feel..I have wrist braces for when my tendonitis acts up. They are the kind with the medal bar in them. I find when I wear them at night they help alot. Just that short period of time that they have a break from moving around so much, helps.When my wrists act up, I use Pil-o-Splints at night.  They're about or so, but they cushion the hand and wrist and prevent you from twisting it into a pretzel.  During the day, I use either the hand-eze gloves (if knuckles are painful) or plain old Futuro wrist splints (they have the metal "stays" in them). 
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