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Well I thought I was getting better and in some ways I am. Needed Vicodin last night--it just hurt too much. Woke up in pain and not a little out of it. Took longer for the Relafen to kick in and it's still leaving me sore in spots. I know there are some limitations with this sort of thing (if I ever find out what exactly I have) but it seems like those change on a daily basis with little or advance notice.  Oh sweety thats how it goes, you never know what you are going to get till it comes! Get a journal and track your pain. Bring it to the doc and let them see, maybe that can help them narrow it down. I understand the frustration of having to take pain meds, I wish I could help there, but I take them too. Breathe, find something to calm your mind, relax, that will always help. Go get a good movie and let it distract you,  but don't dwell on the pain or the frustration. Hope you feel better, we all are there time to time. Thought I'd hear that. Thank you. I might need to start writing this down. Even I can't seem to catch all the little things going on.

I think I am going to coin a new term for undiagnosed long term illness. How does Chronic Misery Syndrome sound?   lol! I think I have that too!
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