Good Read on Internet Research | Arthritis Information


I thought this was informative--although I know we all do this anyway

I am bumping this mab because it's a great find - thanks - CathyWell I hope my RD does not view me that  "googler" high maintenance trouble patient. I depend on him to make crucial decisions of my health. Although I could clearly be idntified as that many years ago, but not anymore.One of my docs just raises his eye brows when I mention that I have been on the net.

Of particular interest to me was the fatigue and slight dizziness that I am experiencing.
In looking over the net and particularly here, I came to the conclusion that the drugs (MTX+Pred) could be contributing to my way of being along with RA it self.

Mention this to the specialist and I get the raised eye brows with, I don't think so because you are not in a state of flaring, you can't believe every thing on the net.
Or words to that effect.

New (different) specialist tells me that it is a known fact that (MTX+Pred) can cause this in some patients.
How are you feeling right now Stephen.
I reply, really good, as a matter of fact, I feel like a bit of a fake at the moment.

Doc gets me to strip down and starts pressing on a few points to which I flinch a few times.

Yep it's still running, you have inflamation.

I am a total TOTAL googler.

If it wasn't for it, i wouldn't have gone for the blood tests for RA until about 4 months later, i wouldn't have found out that dairy is a big no no and i wouldn't have found the celiac problem (which is already feeling better day 3 gluten free).
My family doctor loves that i know about myself, he took the info i learned on probiotics and is not telling select patients to take it too.  He also likes how i have ideas, helps him find things when he doesn't usually treat for those diseases.
My RA doctor hates how i know about RA and things and hates the questions i ask etc.  She hates how i get mad at her because she will say i have all symptoms of a disease but then decides i don't have it etc.
She definately hates me knowing things, but I don't care.
I feel everyone should know everything about their disease, some treatments work for some, some don't work for some so knowing all treatments, herbal remedies diets etc. can help you find the right treatment when we all know RA doctors just try one after the other in the same exact row as the next.
I will never stop reading.
OMG - that article could have been written by me if I'd have gotten off my butt!  That was in response to the article in Time I hated that I think Suzanne posted here.  The writer said all I said (but better) about how demeaning that original doc was. 
Thanks, mab, for a really great article and thanks JustSayNoeMore for bumping it up because I missed it the first time around.

It's a proven fact that people who research their medical problems have a better prognosis because of it.

Personally, my GP LOVES that I research my conditions. She doesn't think she knows everything and listens to what I have to say.

My RD likes it because it I have a paln and she respects that I take an interest and responsibility for my own health.

I have a mutually respectful relationship with both doctors.

If your doctor has a problem with"googling", I'd say ditch the doctor!
