Paranoid about infections | Arthritis Information


Is anyone out there paranoid about getting the flu/infections?

I'm relatively new to this, just diagnosed in August 2007. 
I'm presently on Methotrexate 20mg, Prednisone 5mg-7.5mg and just started
What I've been told is that all 3 of these medications lower your resistance to getting infections, and that if you get something, it makes it more difficult to fight it.  On top of
that, you are supposed to immediately stop all your RA meds to allow you body to try
to fight the infection, thereby, in my mind, all the RA symptoms will re-appear.
Now I find myself being a total germaphobe. 
Anyone else going through this?
I'm one that found that wasn't really true. If you've always been one of those people that shakes things off pretty quick I bet you'll be fine. Now if you were quick to catch stuff before it might be a little more of a problem.
I did find that whenI do get something it takes me longer to heal. Even a little scratch takes a lot longer to heal once on MTX & Biologics in my opinion. Only once have I been really seriously sick in the last 5 years.
We're kind of different.
Honestly my family has always called me Disinfecto. What that means is I wash my hands frequently- first thing I do when I get home, always before I eat, after I shake hands with someone, etc. I am very careful about not touching my face, nose, eyes because that's where germs enter.
If I visit someone in the hospital or we stay in a hotel I always have Clorox Wipes with me and I wipe down the chair arms, door knobs, light switches the toilet seat....
So I just continue this behavior and don't worry.
I never used to get sick.  Last September I started MTX.  Last December I started Enbrel.  Three weeks into Enbrel, I got Bronchitis and had to stop both the MTX and the Enbrel.  I had the worst flare since being diagnosed.   Now I worry all the time about germs.  I carry Germ-X with me in my purse.  I use it so much that my hands are really dry.  My husband calls me a germaphobe.  So, yes, I'm going through it.I also was worried about catching ever germ that came along, but so far, 10 months after starting the meds, there's really no change in my overall health status.  I've always been careful to wash my hands when I get home and use wipes that are offered at my supermarket.  I also have hand cleaner in my glove compartment that my husband and I use if we've been exposed to someone coughing or sneezing a lot.  So, I'm careful, but no obsessive, and I have not suffered due to my immune system being suppressed.  I think it's another case of the drug companies being overly cautious in their product insert statements.    It does make me a little nervous.  I'm glad the worst of cold and flu season is over.  Besides the problem fighting off infection,  I too would be really apprehensive to go off my meds.  I feel really good right now, and my rheumy totally agrees that once you go off and then back on MTX your body is a little more resistant to it.I have had a problem with fish oil and immune suppression.  I take a high dosage (3 grams omega-3's per day - about 10 regular capsules).  It can increase risk of infection, and I do tend to get more colds and sinus infections if I'm not careful.  Diligent handwashing, and use of a neti pot, are my best weapons against infection.  And when I do catch a cold or get a sinus infection, I back off the fish oil for a week or so. hi rhonda2 ihave been on pred 13yrs and all dmrds but no biologics i had no infections at all untill last year when i went back on mtx 17.5mg then i had 8mths of chest infections. mtx has now been stopped due to low responce and infection has not reccured. rheumatologist said you expect to get infections on these meds.
At first, I was "educated" on the possibilities of MTX and infections.  and I was scared... Didn't want to kiss my family in case they were *aghast* carriers!!!  I'm much better with all that... LOL ...
I will admit being a little more careful.  I use the paper towel in the ladies room and use a clean one to open the doors when I leave...  I carry wipes in my bag to wipe phones, car steering wheel, keyboard, desk, etc.    ummm...........Maybe I haven't lightened up!!
It is funny because infections in people with RA are about as individual as people with RA.  For me, if someone with an infection *looks* at me, I'm sick.  My boss, who has RA and is also on Enbrel, but not MTX *never* gets sick, and I mean never. 
I am aware of people around me who are sick and I've even been known to excuse someone from my office if they are sick, but I don't worry beyond that. 
Good luck!
Like some of the previous posters, I have found this not to be an issue for me. I'm a teacher and am always exposed to sick kids and germs, but I have not had any illnesses since starting Enbrel 7 months ago. When I initially started Enbrel I was concerned and asked my dr. about it and he said he wasn't worried because of my age (33) and general health. I also went to an allergist who, after reviewing my bloodwork, said I have an extremely high immune system which makes me a great candidate for the type of meds I'm on.

So, basically, my experience has been that there are several factors that play into it. Although I wash my hands several times a day, I'm not overly cautious nor do I worry about infection from cuts or scratches. I've been really lucky so far. Hope you have the same good fortune!

Been on dmards and biologics for 3 years and live 6 months in Mexico and 6 months in the states.  I've had 1 cold and 1 sinus infection in 3 years.  I'm careful around people who are obviously ill, use antiseptic lotions and wipes but I'm not obsessive about "germ warfare" and don't alter my life.  The other thing I do in Mexico is use Deet because of mosquit. carrying Dengue Fever.  Don't want to use Deet but then again I don't want to acquire Dengue Fever.  If I'm obsessive about anything it's using Deet.  You'll relax once you've been on the meds for a longer period of time.  Lindy  


As poster have said, it is an individual thing.  I take 10 mg MTX.  I never ever worry about germs.  I didn't before and I don't now.  In the past 3 years I have been sick with a minor cold once.  That is it.  At work, I have been exposed to people with colds, the flu and strep throat.  Don't work yourself into a tizzy over this. When I first started Enbrel I was so paranoid about getting sick that I worked myself into my first panic attack when I thought I was getting a virus. I felt so stupid afterwards (I actually went to the ER) because it ended up being nothing. I have been on Enbrel about 2 years and have actually never yet gotten sick. My doc told me that being on Enbrel doesn't make you more receptive to infections but once you have one it is more difficult to fight it. A cold could more easily become pneumonia.

I have also been on MTX for about 7 years but had no issues with that at all.[QUOTE=kweenb]I never used to get sick.  Last September I started MTX.  Last December I started Enbrel.  Three weeks into Enbrel, I got Bronchitis and had to stop both the MTX and the Enbrel.  I had the worst flare since being diagnosed.  [/QUOTE]
the same thing happened to me kweenb....about 3 or 4 weeks into being on Humira I got a HORRIBLE sinus infection.....It took 3 or 4 different antibiotics before it got kicked out of me, the last one being some kick butt antibiotic where a 2 week supply was about 0 if you didnt have ins *they gave me 2 weeks of free samples* But since then I havent gotten *reallly* sick....Ive gotten colds, flu etc here and there but nothing *to* horrible
The only advice I can really give is, use your judgement, dont go around people that are sick...wash your hands...that sort of thing
[QUOTE=kelsaysmommy][QUOTE=kweenb]I never used to get sick.  Last September I started MTX.  Last December I started Enbrel.  Three weeks into Enbrel, I got Bronchitis and had to stop both the MTX and the Enbrel.  I had the worst flare since being diagnosed.  [/QUOTE] In general, I don't get sick. I haven't had bronchitis, a cold or the flu in 5 years..Until  this March..
 I have noticed  small injuries, scratches, bruises etc take a little longer to heal, but  thats also part of aging. I did have a nasty skin infection in February, but this winter has been unusual.
If you tend to not get sick, hopefully you will stay the same.
   Thank-you to all who have replied.  It sure is nice to know I am not alone in my phobia.
Karma sure has a way about her.  To think I used to chuckle to myself at those who used a papertowel to open the bathroom door.  
And you are right.  RA is so individual and it makes sense that our immunity and ability
to fight infections would be individual also.
I hope all of you enjoy your day and may it be pain free!
RA diagnosed 8/07.  MTX 20 mg weekly/Folic Acid 2mg/day/Prednisone 5mg/day/Enbrel 50mg weekly.

Before RA I never used to get sick.  Since I started enbrel and mtx last year, things haven't changed a bit.  Even when my husband and daughter both had a nasty head and chest cold I didn't catch it.  So nope!  I do not worry about it anymore.

I was so PO'd when I got RA because I NEVER got a cold, flu, had an ache or pain and people used to comment on it. I'd boast- yeah my immune system is really great- I never catch anything.
Yeah- so great it started attacking itself right? Took me out at the knees- left me an invalid for 2 straight months. I'm afraid to talk too loud now.
There is good reason to be paranoid.
In November 2007, I had two Rituximab infusions; I'd been on mtx for a year.  Then in December, I had surgery for a ruptured Achilles tendon (tendon damage from RA). I was told to discontinue the mtx before surgery and for a few weeks afterward.
Subsequently, two weeks after surgery, the incision became infected with staph.  The infection quickly became an MRSA - one of those "new" infections resistant to antibiotics.  I was hospitalized in January for 3 days for IV antibiotics, the infection got better, then in mid-February, it suddenly got very much worse, and I ended up in the hospital for two weeks.  I've been battling this MRSA infection for more than 3 months.  Finally it appears to be healing.
Bottom line is, there is reason for paranoia about infection and RA meds.  I have always been fairly immune to colds and flu infections and continue to be (knock wood).  But please be aware that the RA meds can drastically affect our immunity to other kinds of infections besides "germy" ones.
Right now, I am afraid to restart the mtx and/or to have future Rituximab infusions.  These meds did seem to help my RA, which has gotten dramatically worse since I stopped taking the meds.  It seems there is this Catch-22 situation with RA and RA meds; in my case, I need the meds to prevent the RA from destroying my body from the inside out, but since having an MRSA, I am now a prime candidate for that happening again if I have surgery (and I need a hip replacement).
I haven't decided what to do about the meds.  But each day the RA, esp in my hip, gets more painful.  It seems I can't live without the meds, but they have proven to be downright dangerous for me. 
