Arthritis Research | Arthritis Information


I just received the March copy of Joint Health Monthly, a publication from Arthritis Consumer Experts. The March issue is a report on the 2007 ACR (American College of Rheumatology) meeting held in Boston. The ACR meeting is held yearly with "the best arthritis researchers in the world coming together to share the latest and most ground-breaking research, to learn from each other and to exchange ideas about how to advance scientific discoveries to improve the lives of people living with arthritis around the world.

12,000 attendees attended lectures and participated in workshops on a wide variety of topics., including:

Tremendous gains in arthritis knowledge were reported, including:

Here's something that's interesting. "In the area of non-medical treatments:

For indepth info about arthritis research click on these links: (American College of Rheumatology) (Arthritis Research Centre of Canada)
For those of you who are new, ACE is a non-profit Canadian organization which provides research-based education and info to people with arthritis.
