Blood pressure improving. | Arthritis Information


HI guys, I have been exercising daily, I can now do 1 hour at a pinch on some days.  Dr thinks this is too much, but I only do it if I feel energetic.  I am feeling very tired at present and she is checking my ferritin stores as last time they were pretty much non-existent!

As for the blood pressure, I am hoping it is the walking and reduced pain levels that are working as today it was 98/80 - pretty low for me.  My ESR is on the rise again but have RD appt on 14th April.  My foot doesn't seem to be too bad, fracture was not visible, but we are waiting to see what happens, it hurts if I put weight on the outer area of my foot.  I feel ready to see my new pain specialist on the 1st May, and  hopefully he will give me something that works all the time and something else for breakthru.  The  weight loss has reduced to 3 kilos in 5 weeks, but I have been a little naughty over Easter, so back on track now.  Watch this space.  I hope you are all travelling well.  I am looking forward to having my boys home next week for school hols. Regards Janie.

Keep up the great work, janie!