Doc Today | Arthritis Information


So I am going to see a new doc today about my JRA. I am very scared, I haven't slept real good for a couple days. To the point last night I was in the shower last night and was so worn out that I totally passed out, needless to say my head and neck really hurts. Before moving across the country I was told that I had hit the end of what they could do for me. After moving to a more humid place I am dying, oh it hurts so bad. I was in Southern AZ now i am in KY!!! I wanna go home. I am scared and my hubby is scared, I hope they will give me something that will help me. I don't wanna take mtx again because I was so sick on it and lost most of my hair, but I don't know, maybe I will, I wanna be able to have fun and be 21 so maybe I don't care. I am really freaking out, I need relief, its bad, and the joint damage is happening to quickly right now I don't even know what to do. I am also going to be asking for him to sign off for me to get a sticker for my window so I can park in handicapp spots during bad times. But I really feel bad about doing that because I am 21 and I should not have it, so many people are worse than me. I don't know. This disease is breaking me. I have had since I was 7ish but sometimes its harder to deal with than others! Just pray! Thanks!Good luck today, sending prayers to you.........don't feel bad about the sticker! we really need this, my nephew had jra and he has one. Sha- I am so sorry you are having to go through this, have you been or are you on any of the biologics. I hope this doctor is able to help you and give you some relief. There is always something else they can do to help you, please dont give up hope.I understand that you are scared, its a scary disease but not one that cant be helped some way or another, let us know what the doc says.

Sha- I wish you luck and I'm sending prayers up. You are in a new place with a new doctor and I hope you get some new good news. Please don't give up. There is no way you have reached the end of your options!

Let us know how you made out.


Good Luck ShaDuck! Maybe MTX will not even be what they want you on, there are a couple of other meds out there.
Keep us posted.
Do you think it's the Fibro that is causing so many problems, and not the JRA? That is how I felt before I got the meds for the fibro. Are you taking anything for fibro, or just the JRA? How did your appointment go?  We are all pulling for you.  Cathy