flu dragging on and on | Arthritis Information


This is beginning to get to me. I can NOT wake up in the mornings, I feel like I've been hit by a truck. MY nose is running, I'm coughing and every joint is swollen and screaming.

 I haven't felt this much fatigue on a constant basis since I developed Cardiomyopathy in 2002. I JUST had a cardiologist appt and am supposedly fine..
I've got a 2 year old and its so hard on him if Mommy can't drag herself out of bed in the morning...hard on me too getting hit in sore joints by a 2 foot dino is no fun...
How long will regular flu hang on.? I'm not a smoker, but do have asthma.
So sorry you are under the weather to this extent. It is hard with a little one to take care of. Flu's do hang on for a week to 10 days....
Feel better soon!

Kathy sorry you still have this flu, its not nice to be ill when you have little ones to run around after. Maybe you should go see your doctor if it doesne get better on its own. It makes the RA worse too. Regular flu can last for a few weeks but depending on what meds you take for your RA it can take longer.

Take care

This year is particuarly bad.  I was tired/fatigued and felt bad for over 3 weeks.  I hope you aren't sick that long!

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