white blood cells | Arthritis Information


Whenever I have a blood test I'm always told my white blood cells are high. Then they say it's probably the prednisone making them elevated. (It's the excuse for every abnormality).

Does anyone else have this problem? I thought it means you have an infection or something.
My white cells were slightly elevated this time, but I don't see the RD till thursday, so I don't know what it means.  I know it can indicate infection, but also just looked it up and according to 2 sites, it can also indicate inflammation and can be a result of corticosteroids.hi my white count has been high for 13yrs  22 - 24 i was monitored for chronic leukemia
as i had very high tempretures at night. after 4 yrs it was put down to prednisone use and
the rheumatoid arthritis..   hope this helps ... Boney
Leukemia- that was my other concern but I couldn't remember what else a high count pointed to.
I've never taken my temperature but I have night sweats....also blamed on prednisone.
Sure will be glad to get off the stuff.
hi want to berafree .. i have read a lot about pred and for me it has been my main stay for ra as no dmrds have worked on there own
i allso take calcichew tablets..calcium plus vit d.....allso fosamax . for the bones
does fosamax work ?  I do not know as i have only had 1 dexta scan 6yrs ago Boney
I'm also on 1200 calcium, 88 vitamin D. My doctor almost started me on fosamax but I had a bone density test that looked good so he put the nix on it.
I'm down to 12.5 mgs of prednisone from 40 but I'm noticing stiffness and joint pain so I don't know what the future will bring...tomorrow I go down to 10.
I meant 800 vitamin DYes, My tests have been elevated. Last tine DR would not let me take the MTX. You never seem to get a answer from the Dr's.i have never been over 20mg pred... i stayed at 7.5mg while on dmrds  along whith depomedrol injections..  only last year i had to raise the pred to 10mg a day and 20mg once a week as i have no other treatment... but my inflamation is nothing like it was years ago...
now it all seems to be in my back neck and chest..i was hoping i had burnt out ra..
oh forgot to say a reduction in pred can cause joint pains but not be caused by the ra
just thebody adjusting.....Boney
Boney that's good news! I thought it meant my joints couldn't live without it!I just asked my gf who is a nurse, what the Elevated White blood count cells mean.
She says it means an infection, virus, inflamation.. gee really.. w/ Ra, we have that? lol
but actually you know what, I LIKE that , bc it says YES, this Is REAL, its not in my head!
know what i mean?... it means me constantly feeling like i have the flu, is very much real.
I don't know, sometimes, its just nice to be verified, ya know?
Mine are always through the roof, my RA doctor told me it's part of having RA that isn't under control.

I too constantly have an elevated White cell count.    Rheumy puts it down to the pred. but I'm sure they were elevated before starting prednisone 8 years ago.   Like someone mentioned in their post, I've felt like I've had the flu coming on for the past 20 years!!

Anyone else get nightmares from Prednisone?   I have one nearly every night.   I'm trying to wean off the pred.  Am down to 5 mg per day.  Because of the nightmares I had to change my choice of reading material - no more good who-dunits for me. 

My WBC which has always been in the normal range dropped steadily on MTX until it finally dropped below normal.  I stopped taking it. 
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