dyslexia and RA | Arthritis Information


OK we have discussed the brain fog issues- now does anyone else type like they have dyslexia since they have been diagnosed?  I am tired of correcting my errors and half the time I miss them and just send off crappy spelling errors.I DO THAT ALL THE TIME! I notice it on these threads mostly. I use word to edit my emails so it corrects it automatically but I notice it here all the time. I never use the spell check it just takes too long.

I'm not sure if it's something I've done for years or if it's something new....but I thought it was funny you mentioned that. I'm 99% it's not related to RA at all.
my typing .. spelling is terribe.. but i never typed or used a pc untill
i stopped working..  but i do not use a keyboard. instead i use the windows
onscreen keyboard and type whith the mouse pointer.. a little slow to use
but keeps pressure off he wrists..and as i cant type anyways ...
i dont know the differene... well thattook about 20 mins phewww lol

I swear mine just started....I think it's part of my hands not working right. Clumsy things...I type so fast...I think I just get things mixed up sometimes.
Boney; I'm the opposite of you. The mouse bothers my wrist more than the typing does. I use the mouse with the little thing you roll with your pointer finger. I think that makes it worse.
My hubby seems to think I am dyslexic. Because I read numbers wrong. Like if it is 3:34, I will say 4:33.
Usually when I make spelling errors, which are a lot, it is because my brain goes faster than my fingers type and I am typing words together or mixing the letters to words together.
Wouldn't that be AR?LMAO! I read that as RA, not AR LOL! You cannot trick me Oh I have problems counting cash LOL! That is why I am not incharge of the money stuff.i think it is a combination of ra (brain fog and crippledness) and drugs (side effects)....  that cause all the misspellingsat least all my misspellings :-)I have had a problem with that a lot over the last few months...I have worked on computers for years and have never had a problem...but lately, I will be typing a word and mentally spelling it out, but when I look up at what I have typed, I will have a few letters in the wrong order...right letters, just all mixed up.  Have never had this problem before.  :(tenderjoints- exactly my problem!cannot speel.
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