OT jenny mccarthy on larry king | Arthritis Information


You go girl!!!  I am not anti-vaccine, and last night she showed me that you do not have to be anti-vaccine to realize there are problems with the vaccination schedule we have.

The peds on there were making me so mad - every point she made, they kept turning it around to say how horrible things would be if we stop vaccinating.  She wasn't saying stop vaccinating!  But she said by not addressing these issues, more and more were stopping vaccinations.

They had proof there is still mercury in a lot of vaccines.   She wants them to look at slowing down the vaccination schedule, spreading it out so the kids don't get so much introduced at once.  She questioned why a 10 lb. baby gets the same polio vaccine dose as a 180 lb. man (and they never said that was wrong!  Who knew???)

They said the girl who received the settlement  had a mitochondrial (sp?) disorder and Jenny said let's find a way to test for that before the vaccines and her ped pointed out everybody has mitochondria (which is what I had been thinking since the settlement).  

Anyway, it was very interesting and I feel her frustration.  The only bad thing that happened was her boyfriend Jim Carrey called in.  They didn't put him on the air, but said he said 'profit' was why the peds kept wanting to do the immunizations, and the peds said they don't make money doing them, they have to do free for underpriveleged kids, etc.  So the show could have done without his publicity seeking two cents, in my opinion.

I've been antsy that my daughter is behind schedule on the MMR and chicken pox.  I really tried to get the ped rheum to say they would be okay when she has her well visit.  But he still says no, doesn't give a specific reason, but if he is that against it I guess we'll wait and be cautious.
Suzanne2008-04-03 11:00:54The peds may not make money on the vaccines but they sure as heck are getting big perks from the drug companies. I will never get my daughter the gardasil vaccine. There isn't enough testing and I've heard from more than one person in the med. field that it's being pushed so hard by Merck to make back the money they lost on the Vioxx lawsuits.Suzanne,

I too put off some of Lia's vaccines.  When we brought her home from China the ped said she should be re-vacc for everything since it is possible China never gave her these shots.  I told her NO WAY. I had to do MMR booster and Hep A to get her into school.
I used to work for GP when swine flu came out. He told me don't ever take a flu shot.  I agreed after that mess.  I might be stupid but I have never had flu shot and never had the flu, go figure. Even when we went to China it was reccommended Hep B shots.  Since at the time I was on Enbrel RD said not to take because immuno compromised unless I planned to be in rural areas and walking thru the rice fields. LOL. Went to China right after SARS thing and we did come back sick with colds but think it was the poor air quality.
Guess I'm trying to say I am somewhat anti-vaccine. A good friend of ours, their son become autisic after receiving flu shot .  He is 15 and it is very sad to see a perfectly healthy person become autisic overnight.
stemcell4me2008-04-03 11:32:15They have done multiple studies with autism and vaccines. They are not linked!! I am speciallizing in austism right now and have been doing a lot of research and hands on work with it for the past three years. Autism is a developmental disorder. I am sorry that he was it, but its progressive, doesn't happen over night. Its really interesting how it works and why it changes the way a person acts. But I would not use him as a example to not get vaccines. There is evidence to prove that is not the case. They actually believe that it is a genetic disorder. I wish you luck with him!
I also am kind of anti-vaccine, depends on the vaccine. Depends where they come from. I don't know, hard fight.
We are holding off on Gardisil, too, for my older daughter because it is too new.  Have you seen the latest commercials?  They have a much longer list of side effects now!

LuAnn - that is so sad about your friend's son.  He was older, not a toddler, when that happened?  It would seem like there would no question of the cause, if those were the circumstances.

How did your ped respond when you chose not re-vacc Lia?  Last night, Jenny McCarthy said she gets e-mails from parents everyday, whose peds have screamed at them, "Why don't you trust me?"

One of the peds said, though, that he had three patients die of bacterial meningitis, but none that had ever filed a vaccine compensation claim.
ShaDucky - another thing she made clear - she believes autism is genetic, environmental, many components, but that vaccines do seem to play enough of a role that it warrants investigating changing the vacc. schedule as a prevention.  They  pointed out that the Amish have very little autism and also that they don't vaccinate, but everybody agreed that could be genetic, but then she said, "Let's study them" which sounds like a good plan to me.

PS After stem cell, procedure wiped out immune system and again came the question of re-vacc people.  I decided not to, except if I step on rusty nail or something I will get tetnus.
And yes I got rotovirus one year out that nearly killed me but hey I waited 10 days when I should of gone to ER 24 hrs after getting. My GP didn''t help when I had visit seven days after virus and he didn't even take blood test.  Needless to say, we never go to him again. Lol, I have had a lot of problems with vaccines, they don't give them to me anymore, my immune system just can't take them. You know you can choice to not have your children take them and still send them to school. You just have to state that it is against you ethics, and they have to abide by that. It takes time, but if thats what your family feels is best for your babies look into. I have had students before who have never been immunized. Parents just have to do more work to get them started in school. Its a hard choice. Since more people have stopped getting them we are seeing a rise in diseases that had not been seen for decades and some for centuries. But thats where man has tried to create a solution for a problem and in turn created a couple more problems. Suzanne,
Don't get me wrong, my daughter got the required vaccines that were not listed in her vac book from China. We as children got about 50% less shots than today.  I think they give children too many at the same time.
The flu hit her class big time and she got the stomach flu and recovered three days later.  It ran it's course.  The other kids got hit and were out 1-2 weeks including the teacher.
No, that is what I understood -  you didn't redo what was documented.

My older daughter is like Lia - once she stopped baby spit ups, she never vomited until she was eight.  All of neighbors get wiped out for days when something goes through their whole family, but not us.  Knock wood....
I saw her on Chelsea Lately a few weeks back and she talked about it and even gave a phone # to call someone at the white house to ask her to do something about the vaccines. I cannot remember most of it, just bits & pieces of what it was about.
I refused for a while to get my son all of his vaccinates, but that was because I was worried if he got them he would end up with JRA. But after MIL & Mom pushing me I got his last set when he was almost 3 LOL! I am still not sure he has recieved them all either. But health dept and dr office said he had, but I just do not think he has. I am not going to fuss LOL!
 I might be stupid but I have never had flu shot and never had the flu, go figure.
My husband and I no longer get flu shots (we haven't for the last 4 years I think) and we never have the flu...only got sick when we got the flu shot.
I have not had a flu shot all my life, and RD told me I needed to get one, and I have not gotten it, and have not gotten the flu yet! I do not think I have ever had the flu. Nope, my unrecalling memories tells me "Nope, never had the flu." I have seen my poor mommy have the flu at LOT of times, I always felt so sorry for her. But I never got it.I can't ever remember having the flu either. I got a flu shot last year and 4 out of 6 people in our house had the flu....but it wasn't me!  I only got it last year because I was in the OB's office and she offered it so I said "Why not". I didn't get it this year and from all I've heard it wouldn't have helped anyway. The flu that's been so bad this year is a different strain?
I didn't give either of my children the chicken pox vaccination. It was optional when my kids were younger and I figured everyone I knew had the chicken poxs....why shouldn't my kids? My oldest got them in the first grade and my daughter had them 7 days later. Now we're finished with them.
I don't think I'll fool with the flu shot in the future now either.

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