Anyone else get a heavy, lead feeling? | Arthritis Information


A couple of months ago when I started feeling better, I decided to incorporate running laps around my back  yard into my regimen -- it's big, shaded, and easier than running on concrete.

Gradually I've increased to 8 laps (from 3) which is good BUT, I can't help but notice how heavy I feel when I'm running, like my whole body has lead in it.  I weigh about 105 so I've always felt light when exercising but sheesh - it doesn't even feel like my old body anymore.
Just wondering if RA does this to anyone else?  Or alas, is it just age?

Yes, and I had that feeling way before my RA diagnosis.  It feels like there are no shock absorbers in my muscles, no bounce.  I think it has to do with my age - I am 56.

My body gets that way too, like i am dragging a ton weight around with me, especially in my upper arms and my legs. I personally think it's age more than the diseases.  It's the exceptional senior that walks with a spring in their step and who walks briskly.  I feel like I have a ton of cement attached to my upper arms and lower legs.  It's a difficult feeling to shake.  LindyI keep looking back to see if I'm dragging the Queen Mary.....My legs feel like that when I try to climb stairsGinger, have you had your thyroid checked recently?  I remember that feeling before I was diagnosed with thyroid disease.  I described it as though I was walking  through knee deep wet cement.  I just had bloodwork yesterday at my appointment, so maybe if there is something that's off (other than the usual) that will be the answer.
I am having a bit of a flare right now, so it could just be the inflammation doing its stuff.  LOL at checking for the Queen Mary!
my whole body feels like it weighs tons.   the weather effects my ra too which can make me feel unable to move.  i don't know about the queen mary but for sure a barge filled with rocks.6t5, OMG the Queen Mary?  That's funny!  I used to feel that way going upstairs, but I started going to physical therapy and working on strengthening my legs and it has helped a lot.  It took about 10 visits though.  I was very negative about going, but I am so happy that I did go.  And I have much more energy!   I too know that feeling well.   My Rheumy says it's the Fibro that causes this.  The only time I've been without this feeling is when I've had a huge dose of steroid injected and a couple of years ago whilst on morphine in the hospital for a severe back injury.
 The Queen Mary!  I  have that too!!  and one of the things that really scared me last summer with my big flare was the way I moved walking... I was so slow....dragging my feet sometimes... and yep.. walking thru cement!! 
I still feel so much more effort is needed to walk than there use to be...  and my gait is definitely changed...
and you say this is fibro?  I don't have fibro..least not DX'd.
