Joint Warmth ? | Arthritis Information


I was wondering when your meds are working, can you still feel the warmth radiating from your joints?

My knees are just slightly swelled, and my elbows are not hardly swelled, but I can still feel warmth radiating from those joints.
i feel heat from my knees and ankles and feet area and lower back tonight.   the last few months my body has not been working as well as it was.   i have had times where there was no swelling or heat coming from my joints.   maybe i was in remission then... never exactly pain free but no flaring.Joonie, I don't have swelling unless I am in a flare.  When that happens, my joints are warm.  Other than that, nada.  I could use a little joint warmth tonight though.  It's cold here.I guess I'm the odd one out here.  When I have  joint inflammation I have swelling but no redness or warmth.  Never have, even when I was homebound and couldn't walk.  Once again we're all different but the same.  Strange disease.  LindyHummm... I figured out why my knees & elbows are warm... it is because it is rainy clouds outside and it is to rain, I think. Need to check out to find out. Yep it is suppose to rain tomorrow & saturday. Yes Joonie, it happens to me, and I usually find out that my ESR is up, hope u r feeling better, hugs Janie. can't say, no meds have worked for me. Warmth for me means soft tissue swelling.  _popupControl(); I believe heat in joints means you are flaring. Hopefully you meds are preventing you from swelling. So maybe your joints want to swell and the meds are not allowing it i hope. For me personally this only happens when flaring.I do not even know when I am flaring. I have gotten so use to everything being swelled and all that flare crap, that I do not even pay it much attention. The only thing I do seem to notice is either when:

1) a joint has unignorable pain and/or limited ROM.
2) a joint is not as big of swelled then it had been.
3) a joint decides to become a grapfruit... like my knee!
