Now What? | Arthritis Information


Well my rheum can't find anything wrong. Other than seeing if I can get a second opinion out of my HMO or maybe switching PCPs, I'm pretty much out of luck. It could be self-limited and chemo-related, but that still doesn't explain why I had symptoms before and I've got no way to know how long this will go on.  I've been reading accounts of some people having pain symptoms lasting years. And it doesn't explain why the pain got worse lately.

Maybe this is all in my head.


Wow. I don't know what your next move should be.  I'll be praying that you get some relief and can get to the bottom of all this.hi mab52 missed your post on whats happend to you..
but i gather it is med and pain related.. last year i restarted mtx
ibegan gettingsevere back pains.. docs said there was very little inflamation
showing so i should not be having this prob.. 3mths after stopping mtx the pain
has all but gone.. coincidence maybe.. certainl not all in the head..

Keep a diary. Every little problem write it down. If you swell go see a doctor. Preferably the RD. Very frustrating. He is looking at your other problems such as the chemo and OA family history. Sorry if you feel like you are in limbo.hey I understand totally! I am getting a second opinion. I was dx ten years ago but, I moved so I am beginning new. I have pretty much decided that the rheum in question just doesn't get it. I didn't go there to repeat what I already knew. I wanted someone to apply expertise to finding out what's wrong or at the least determining an action plan for treatment. The ortho guy got me on Relafen. The rheum couldn't get past a Medrol pack. I'm probably best just leaving it with the ortho guy for the time being. If he wants to send me to a rheum, we can pick a new one that can figure I'm not paying for a social visit.