Psoriasis/Psoriatic arthritis Linked To Genetics | Arthritis Information


Seven new sites of common DNA variation have been discovered that increase the risk of psoriasis. Some of these variations, in one area of the genome, link psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis to other autoimmune disorders. This work was published on April 4, 2008 in the open-access journal PLoS Genetics.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease characterized by a mistaken immune attack to the skin. It is identified by red, scaly patches on the skin that are itchy, painful, or both. It affects an estimated 7 million Americans. Additionally, 10-30% of patients with psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis, a painful and debilitating arthritic condition additionally characterized by pitting or complete loss of fingernails.

There are many factors that may come into play in this condition, which make it difficult to study. This is true concerning its genetics as well. "Common diseases like psoriasis are incredibly complex at the genetic level," says lead investigator Anne Bowcock, Ph.D.. "Our research shows that small but common DNA differences are important in the development of psoriasis. Although each variation makes only a small contribution to the disease, patients usually have a number of different genetic variations that increases their risk of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis."

I read an article from another company that said the same last night and how psoriasis is related to celiac and rheumatoid, i have all 3.

Thanks for posting this, it's very interesting.
Quote from article:
The team discovered seven new variations that were linked to psoriasis. Additionally, the DNA variations that were located on chromosome 4 were strongly linked to psoriatic arthritis. These variations were also associated with type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Grave's disease (the result of an overproductive thyroid gland), and celiac disease (an inability to digest gluten).
You're welcome :) I glad you liked it.  My father had psoriasis with ra and oa, but he didn't relaized he had pa too the drs didn't recognised it before he died. , my rd believed he had it though because of all the sypmtoms I described that my dad had..  I have psoriasis, pa with ra, oa plus several other autoimmune diseases.  I have several brothers with the psoriasis and were  told by their drs they have ra I am trying to get them to go get a second opinion that they could have pa instead or with the ra.   I find I can deal with the pa it is the psoriasis that can drive me nuts at times.  Granted the pa is getting worse but the skin is what can get you down at times because you want to look your best and you can't because of your skin.  You can't wear that cute short length dress because it may show your plaqued skin on your legs or that cute spaghetti strap top because your chest or your back has heavy plaque.  Yes there is treatment for psoriaisis but sometimes none of them seem to work.  I am able to handle having the lovely skin but sometimes when I look in the mirror I dream that it would just go away.  Lin did you also know that  in another research program they are also saying that psoriasis maybe affected by your weight, the more overweight you are the more likely the psoriasis can get worse.  meme