Waaaay OT - Check out the new cult classic | Arthritis Information


I was lucky to be invited to see the opening and I've got to say - this will be the next cult classic.  Really good for ultra low budget with minimal silly stuff.  Lots of gore for those into horror.  I'm betting coming to a theatre near you by Halloween. 

Edited to fix thread title - Way not yay!
Pip!2008-04-04 10:59:23Pippy...................................really? LOL!!! Ok, so were/are you into the Rocky Horror, Cars that ate Paris, and Gymkata stuff too? Those three movies are grrrrrrreeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttt! that show looks funny!LOVED Rocky Horror!  I used to watch Horror all the time but stopped when I had my adverse reaction/stroke/whatever.  This is the first one in 10 years - and I LOVED it.  Seriously, hubby and I went home and just kept talking about it as it was so good for its genre.  I mean, it's a ZOMBIE flick - but some parts were really, really, really good.  Some were yucky - but they played up the camp and made it still work.
Has anyone else seen Shaun of the Dead?  Pretty funny zombie flick
Pip....that was C Thomas Howell..OMGosh!  He was so cute back in the 80's
You should see him in this...all snarly and macho cop-ish.  LOL

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