hospital appt .. no meds left | Arthritis Information


hi all. had visit to my rheumatologist clinic today.. due to bad reactions to all
the dmrds i only have pred left. can no longer tolerate medrol injections either.
it turns out they are afraid to give me biologics due to the reactions to the other meds
i asked about cyclosporin but was told a main side effect is high blood pressure and as
mine has been high the past few months i can not have it..they have booked me for
a dexa scan for my neck and spine..  and have told me i have secondarey arthritis
of the spine ??? due to long standing severe ra.  i have read about a machine that spins the blood and seperates
the cells that cause  inflamation. any body here had this treatment...
then they said my wife was looking very tired and asked her if they should
put me into hospital for  3 weeks so she could have a nice break...
i thouht  thats nice .. i have the illness and the wife gets  the holday..
well she  must deserve it putting up whith all this....   Moaney  ...Boney

Maybe they would be more comfortable to try you on a new medicine if you are in the hospital so they can keep an eye on you? Scince they worry about you having an allergic reaction and your bloodpressure. When i take high does pred for an allergic reaction then this could make your blood pressure rise. My every day mantance dose does not do that to me. Maybe even the allergic reaction and the treatment for it have caused this. For sure if they gave you an epi shot that would be cause for a rise in bloodpressure. And several allergic reactions in a role. Yes that would do it. Years ago i had some allergic reactions back to back several. So many epi shots so close together gave me highblood pressure and i could not sleep was crying for no reason. So i quit taking any medicine for awhile, like a couple of years. hi milly thanks for the reply .. that certainly makes a lot of scence..
i never thought thought of he reactions putting the bp up.. and docs are looking
for other causes .. how did you get by whithout any meds ....


Very painfully. I did take take an occasional dose pack and took flexeril everyday. I also got shots in my spine from pain specialist. I am not suggesting you go for a couple of years without meds. I was in part parniod of having an allergic reaction. I probably would have risked it during a bad flare but i could not get an RA dx at the time anyway. Some days i did scream for meds. I hope your bloodpressure goes down so you can try another med. The docs may just want you to take a break. It would be nice if your RA would take a break and allow for this. Well there are also new meds that should come on the market. Lets hope the bloodpressure just clears up fast. Drink plenty of water and juice and get healthy. Watch the salt. Then the RD's  may have a more aggressive approach again.

Boney, have you ever looked into antibiotic protocol therapy?thanks milly..... Hi Boney, am so sorry about your RA state.  Do you mind if I ask how old you are?  I'm asking because I'm 63 and every once in awhile I think about what the future might hold for me.
If the only medication left was Prednisone, I'd seriously look into antibiotic therapy and find an RD that will treat and guide you.  I wish you luck with whichever course you use. Lindy 
hi lin i am 48 had the ra 13 yrs  worked for the first 4 yrs.. was on mtx and pred but mtx
stopped working.. gp sent me to the rheumatology  hospital  who diagnosed severe
erosive ra..  and said no more  work... as it had ruined near all my joints..
but mainly affecting the larger joints ...and my fingers have little damage..... inflamation is very low compared to 13yrs ago..  i can not run about but i still get about at a slow pace
the main thing is stay posotive.. Boney

Hi Boney, your story is my story, I have tried AP for 3 years and then stopped, I know it works for some but I was unlucky I guess.   Anyway I have pretty much survived on pred only for 8 years due to intolerance and allergies, I wish you luck and the procedure you were talking about is something I have asked my rheumy but he said as far as he is aware it hasn't been attempted in Australia yet so he wouldn't be comfortable doing it, let me know if you have any luck, thanks Janie.

Edited by me for typo errors.
janiefx2008-04-05 05:29:23hi  janie .. despite the side effects of pred do you think it has had a posotive
effect on your joints..  i will ask about blood filtering on my  next appt..

wishing you well ..  Boney
Yes Boney, I do think it has had a positive effect on joints, so far as I know I have no erosions, and it is the only drug I have tolerated long term, so how can I whinge about it, without it, I am totally bedridden.  Regrds Janie. thanks for the  reply janie..  i feel the same myself .. i have read studies are being
done on the long term pred use in ra treament..  and its effects on  the joints..
allso when used at the early stages of ra...    Boney
