It's been six weeks now | Arthritis Information


I'm on my 6 wks post-op. Doesn't seem that long. Went to my ortho doc on Tuesday and he said that everything is looking good. Still on hip precautions but he did modify one. I, now, can turn my knee to the outside on the operated leg. Which means I can fold over my sock and fix my slipper so that it's all the way on my foot. Of course, the arthritis that is in my hands and feet don't help. I've gotten real good at using my reacher to pull on my one shoe strap, take off my sock, and pick up after the cat. That goes for my sock puller too.

Sometimes, I get upset with myself when doing things. Then I have to yell at myself and do it the right way. I tell myself, that this is a learning process and that I need to adapt to the problem. Just wish that my, "well that wasn't such a smart idea." wasn't painful or costly.
Hope that everybody has a great weekend.
With all that you've been through, I'd say that you're doing an amazing job of managing to do things by yourself. So give yourself a big pat on the back.
Well improvement is good. And doing things for yourself is good. I am sure it feels better to get that sock all the way on. I will pray for more progress for you. I can see you are a fighter. Good for you.

Keep fighting your way back, girl!

Aaahhh, and sterilize that reacher after picking up after the cat, OK?
Marisa, your recovery has been great and your also so resourceful.  Hope you have a wonderful spring.  You'll be able to get out an enjoy it this year.  Lindy
Marisa, you are doing well and finding ways to cope.  I hope this all works to help you recover.  It is sometimes to want to do more and not be able to because of pain.  Hopefully as time goes on it will present itself as being worth it all.  Hang in there!!Thanks everyone.  Yesterday, I washed my clothes. I stood next to the washer and reached into the cart to place my clothes in to the machine. Don't worry, my roomie was close by. As I dropped the clothes into the tub, I watched the way I was standing. The only problem I had was after the clothes were done. Had to ask roomie to reach  to the bottom of the washer to get that pair of socks off the bottom. Otherwise, all went well. Slowly, I'm getting back to normal for me.
