any one on orencia | Arthritis Information


I started orenica, just had my 2nd many others are on this? Don't ever hear of any talking about Orenica....Doc. said it would take 6 infusions before I felt some relief....Any one elese out there 

I think their's at least one or two here that take Orencia.  I'll be interested to hear how it works for you.  Hoping for the best.I've been on it since Oct. I am pretty happy with it at this point. This is definitely the best that I have felt in a while.I was on Orencia for a whole 2 years and loved it.  I have temporarily changed back to Humira, because of a terrible bout with asthma this past winter.   I started having asthma symptoms about 6 months after starting the orencia and it seemed like it was progressing.
I feel the Orencia was the very best drug for me.  I noticed an improvement after about 2 weeks.   I am allergic to remicade and enbrel and the Humira just was not very effective for me.   Besides sinus infection and asthma I had no problems while on the Orencia.   I have been off of it since January 10th and have not noticed any improvement in my asthma or sinus problems so I am hoping when I see my RD in June she will put me back on the Orencia.   I truly hope it is as effective for you as it was for me.  
Does the pain & swelling get worse before it gets better?.......I can barly walk & my lower back  is in knots......& I would love to get out & work in my flower bed, but no way now.......& my hands are swelled up to now.....Guess I got to be patient......I tryed Enbrel, & had to many infections so had to stop.......Sorry you're not feeling good, but that's a good question!  Rebecca, Lala, any ideas?I am about to start Orencia this tueday. I was on enbrel and it didn't really work out too well.

I am very nervous abt it..
Skytalon, welcome to the forum!  I was on Enbrel but it didn't work out for me either.  Honestly, I prefer getting an infusion...I'm fine when the phlebotomist does the IV, but sticking myself with that burning Enbrel shot every week was getting to be torture for me.
What specifically are you nervous about?  Is it the infusion procedure, possible allergic reaction, or side effects?  I just got my first Orencia infusion on Wednesday and it went very smoothly.
I'd prefer the infusion too to the injections. I hated doing the self injections every week with Humira. I still do B12 injections but they don't hurt at all.
I've been off Humira for a year but hope to discuss options next week with my RD. I'd done real well for a while....but that's slowly been changing over the last several months. At least my changes have been slow to come...but as I've learned before they always come back.  
Is there much difference in the medications that are infused verses the injectables? I mean do things have to be more serious for them to consider them over injectables? Curious about that. I sure would prefer doing an infusion verses getting the shots. I hate them!
Good luck to all of you who have just begun Orencia. I'll be following your progress.
I have an appointment for my third Orencia infusion on the 18th.  I have had no problems or reactions from the two I have had.  My Dr. also said it would take six months to feel the full effects of it.  I do think I can tell a slight improvement after just two. 
How often do you typically take Orencia? My doctor gave me some information on it last year; but I don't remember what it was now.It looks like I may be switching from Enbrel to Orencia within the next month when my next order for Enbrel is due.  Have been on Enbrel seven out of last eight years and it just isn't doing it for me any longer.  Added methotrexate almost four months ago and it has made me feel a lot better; but any dose more than 10 mg causes more skin problems than I already have, and RA still isn't totally under control.   It the Orencia works, the plan is to take me off Mtx. in about four months. 
I understand how you feel about changing (or adding more drugs), but I guess sometimes we don't have a choice.  If you decide to try Orencia, I hope it works for you!  Good luck!

Lovie, I think the infusions tend to be stronger meds, but I'm not sure about that.  Maybe it's just whether they can be given subcutaneously versus intravenously and still do the job.  As for how that relates to symptoms, I think they go with the injectables first, and if that doesn't work for someone, and they still have symptoms/disease activity, they go for the infusions.

Orencia is supposed to be a monthly infusion, but you get an extra one at mid-month for the first month.  So day 1, week 2, week 4, week 8, week 12, etc.

RAPerson, I sure hope it works faster than that!  My literature said from as early as two weeks to as long as three months.  There's no way I'm waiting six months for this to do something...I just finished waiting 5 months for Rituxan and nothing happened.  And if I'm not able to get back to my job before the end of May, I'm automatically terminated.  So I'm just going to try to stay optimistic here.