After the Storm | Arthritis Information


We had a big blow around where I live and these are some of the images I manged to capture........

While I was out capturing these images, I did not feel a thing.
It was all go, .... go.
 I ended up feeling a bit stiff in the joints when all the panic died down but over all I was pleased the way I pulled up.

If theory has it right then we all need a good dose of adrenalin to scare this RA out of the system. Wow I didnt see any pictures like those on the news here in south aussie. The sky in the bottom shot looks incredible.We got a bit of a storm here but nothing like you guys over there did. [QUOTE=allycat]Wow I didnt see any pictures like those on the news here in south aussie. The sky in the bottom shot looks incredible.We got a bit of a storm here but nothing like you guys over there did. [/QUOTE]I have added the colouring to the last for artistic emotion.
Those are very nice photos

Nicely captured Bodak

I'm the same, don't feel much pain when photographing something exciting.  Have a bit of trouble getting up sometimes if I've been crouched down tho

(Love the last one best, by the way!)
Such a talent Stephen. Just beautiful.great pics ..     must of been 1 bad storm.. The last shot is WOW. Stephen i will give you some of the adreniline from my life. I think i tend to get to much. Small dose's now and then maybe good.

Excellent photos, Stephen!  Great shots Stephen.  It sure was a blowy day Wednesday.  We were without power for about 10 hours but I know some that are still without 3 days later.  I've been flaring madly since Tuesday can't half see why  lol.

Beautiful shots, thanks for sharing. Must have been quite a storm.Thanks for the comments, you have been so kind.

I have uploaded more images to my site under Storm Damage.
Check gallery link below if interested.
beautiful pictures..
thanks for sharing your talent..
