Psychosomatism & Disease - books or websites? | Arthritis Information


I don't doubt that RA has its roots in an actual physical malfunction in the body, but I also believe that, for some people (like moi) there also must be an imbalance in the subtle body. The subtle body is defined as our "energetic body"--some people call it the spirit, or the plane on which chakras exist, or what the self is in when you have an out of body experience. It's the flow of energy of the body.

Personally, my other health problems--PTSD, anemia, energy issues, defensive sexism, anger management--all have to do with barriers. To summarize, when I was born 3 mos early there was this little spark in me that said "live!", so I did. However, that little spark has gotten out of hand to the point where I have trust issues and barrier issues (ie the immunse system with RA, my emotionl/physical responses to trauma with PTSD, etc)--so I believe I have an imbalance in my subtle body, as well, something that got switched up when I was born...
Anyway, I do think there are a lot of answers in eastern medicine and the mind/body connection (psychsomatism). Anyone else have thoughts on this? I'm especially looking for books/websites on the subject. Thanks guys I don't know if any of the inner issues have anything to do w/ the RA itself.  But, I have started a quest toward finding some better ways to deal w/ life and its stressors.. I'm reading alot of information on meditation... finding that "place" of peace and contentment....of calm... of inner quiet... of complete mind and body relaxation..  All in a quest to feel better.
I have no idea if this is something that will work or not... but I am trying
Additionally, my first flare of 2007 was after a HUGE traumatic incident... that left me shaking...  so how our body reacts...the flight or fight instinct, etc. can bring on a flare or an incident of RA.... that is my own personal opinion not based in any fact except my own experience...
also, littleistgypsy... please share what you have discovered thus far!Deepak Chopra's teachings and books are a good place to start.  Babs, what works for you for meditating? The only time I can calm my mind down enough to do it is after yoga class.
So far I've been to an Aruveyda consultation, which is an alternative medicine but didn't seem very holistic... There are correlations I've found,though. For example, my issues of mucus (allergies) and arthritis are both from too much Vata (air quality). Outside of aruveyda I can be a bit of an airhead and have found an air-elemental "imbalance" in my star chart (the astrological chart that shows the position the planets were in at the time of your birth).
Their recommendations of eating less "air" foods like popcorn and toast, eating warming foods, doing light exercise, NEVER fasting (I'm anemic as well, can't go 2 hours without a bite! lol) and doing some INTENSE cleansing (therepautic vomiting doesn't sound like fun though; the process itself is called Panchakarma if you want to google it), those mostly seemed like logical good ideas.
At this point I'm also considering the (free) option of seeing a campus therapist, and I also see a physical therapist who has friends with RA and some knowledge of alt. medicine. And when I have some extra cash I'm going to try herbal antimflammatories like ginger or tumeric to replace ibuprofen and naprosen.
Babs, thanks - that rec is exactly what I'm looking for
I'll keep ya'll posted if I find anything cool for RA :)
