prosorba colmn | Arthritis Information


hi all just wonderd if any1 has had this treatment..

Prosorba column. This blood filtration device has been used since the 1990s to treat a rare blood disease; in 1999 it received FDA approval for use in treating rheumatoid arthritis. This device provides an option for people with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis who haven't seen improvement with drug therapy. In a process similar to kidney dialysis, blood is removed through an intravenous catheter attached to one of your arms and circulated through a machine that separates blood cells from plasma. The plasma passes through a column holding a protein that binds to and removes substances thought to cause joint pain and swelling (although these substances remain unidentified). The purified plasma is recombined with the blood cells and returned to the circulation through the other arm. It's effective only temporarily and is usually given once a week for 12 weeks.
