A little OT and a lot not | Arthritis Information


Okay for the OT stuff:

Work's been slammin' and Justin and I just got the list of our hours this past pay period - PSHAW how the hell am I still standing?? 88.83 regular hours and 2.01 over time. And Justin racked in 103.55 regular hours, and 17.38 over time.

Seriously, I have no idea how we're not in the hospital. LOL

We're STILL under staffed, that's a whole issue I don't want to get into. *sigh* We're supposed to be starting a Kid's Program this summer, and I'm co-leading the dream team. hahaha It should be fun anyway.

Now for the more on topic issues:

I don't think I have RA. Threw you for a loop, didn't it? I think I might be one of those folks who really DID "out grow" the JRA. That being said, I'm certainly not saying there's nothing wrong with me. Oh, there is. But slowly, with all of YOUR help I've been weeding out little bits and pieces of issues. What I've come to realize is I have a lot of small problems that have piled on top of each other. Once I can get a handle on all the little things I can get a handle on, I think I'm going to have someone re-assess me.

For starters, just in taking this regular dose of allergy meds has cleared up some STRANGE things - for example my neck is FINE FRIGGIN DANDY....my theory? I have no idea. Haha all I know, is a BUTT LOAD of my symptoms have literally vanished since I started the daily allergy regime.

On top of that, I've taken out aspartame(sp?) from my diet. Sounds silly, but I've noticed a big difference. In fact, I try not to eat a lot of things with preservatives. Maybe it's in my head, but I'm seeing a big difference.

MY PANIC ATTACKS SEEM TO BE UNDER CONTROL. No idea what to chalk that one up to, but I'm STOKED none the less!

yes, I do still have swelling and some pain, but it's far between (attacks, so to speak) and I'm just not really focused on it right now. I still feel like I might have a couple more under lying issues to address before I jump back on the "why am I swelling up" wagon.

In other news, I'm slowly re-introducing dairy into my diet - lo and behold, JUST LIKE with the tomatoes 5 years ago, my body is acting as if there was never a problem. I don't know if that's the allergy meds, or just that my body freaks out if I over load it with something. I'm happy though, I've missed my cheese!!! (I don't think I'll ever stop drinking the lactose free milk though, just to be on the safe side. I just like that I can have most cheeses again! Yay)

So that's me in a nut shell. If you want the emotional side, I'll sum it up for you:

Katie grew up a little in recent months, though you may not be able to tell. She's stoked about going back to school this fall and her and Justin are head strong into figuring out "whats next" in their lives - yes, this includes the "when the hell are we getting married?" question. Soon. At least, if I have any say in it! LMAO

In being "away" (I know I popped in and out but my mind was SO not here....) I just kinda don't feel like A. I belong here anymore, B. I'm any help here, C. This forum is what I need right now.

That said, I still love y'all!! *hugs*

That's my piece, and I'm outie!
arriscolwell2008-04-06 23:12:31This is good news and I'm happy for you.
When you are ready you can pass the baton to me.
Katie...I wish you and Justing the best and I hope this remission/cure continues!  Take care and visit once in a while!Katie

how long is the pay period...2 weeks?  why don't you have 8.8 hours overtime and Justine 20.3.  Last time I checked a work week was 40 hours even in the hospitality industry.
I am totally allergic to aspatame check spelling. Also it causes water retention. When i gave it up years ago i lost two pants sizes in a short period of time. So sounds not wierd to me. Glad you are making discoveries and progress in your health. I wish you and Justin the best. Let us know how much luck you have on a new dx or lack there of. Are you inviting us all to the wedding. Just kidding. Good luck.
Are you still taking meds for the JRA? Maybe you are feeling so good because they are working. Are you planning to stop taking them? Just curious.

Katie, I wish you the best. I'm glad you are feeling so good. It sounds like everything is going well for you. That's awesome. No wonder you are stoked!

Good luck
Wow, Katie, that's a lot going on!  Sounds mostly pretty good and I'm happy for you guys.
The neck/allergy thing, now that you mention it, isn't so weird for me. When I get allergy headaches, I always feel them in my neck.  BTW, at some point, Zyrtec alone wasn't enough for me and my horrible allergies, so I take it every morning and Singulair every night...if you need more control, that's something to consider.
It would be great if you could get all your various health issues addressed and see if you don't have RA...that would be such great news!  Whether or not you do, you're always welcome to come back here, whenever you feel like hanging around.  We'll leave the lights on for ya!
 Seriously though I am pleased things are going so good with your health, just DONT over do it too much. Allergies can cause all sorts of problems, maybe it was aggravating yours and the allergy meds are making it better. Good for you Katie.Katie, I am so glad you are feeling so much better.  This is wonderful news and it is exciting to hear you and Justin about to get started on the rest of your life together.  It thrills me to hear this!
Perhaps it is time for you to move on and leave some of the "stuff" on this board behind.  Stuff that has nothing to do with who you are or what your future holds!  Stuff that isn't worth wasting time, energy, or emotions on!
Lead on girl!
Hey Katie,
Wonderful that you are feeling better!  You might want to research "environmental sensitivities".  Just today a colleague with this problem, that includes her allergy to some perfumes, was telling me that she had 4 panic attacks last year that she can contribute to exposure to her environmental sensitivities.

And on another note, I want to thank you for the advice and support over the last couple of years.  You'll be missed.

All the best,
Thank you all so much for your well wishes.

Stephen - I will FLING that baton to you if I could! LoL

Thank you for mentioning that Joy, I will look into it.

I'll still pop on time to time to see how things are going - but I am REALLY enjoying being out and about and on the go! :) Can't beat it!

Don't you go anywhere!  Darnit!  There are too many people that need you here.  How often do we have JRA moms asking questions.  You might be slammed but you have to check in!
Them's an ORDER, girl!
And people need to know what you discover and which things might have helped you 'outgrow' JRA.
Edited because I forgot a verb.
Pip!2008-04-07 20:45:38congrats Katie! I've wondered where ya been, although after reading that "other" site you frequent, I am hooked. I haven't laughed so much in years... 'bout time you drag that man o yours down the isle, lol. Seriously, how is Justin's Chrons doing? sounds like you both are overdoing and loving it. How about some fun now? You guys live in a great place. Hubby and I used to eat our way around the world at Epcot, lol.
I'm gonna miss you, but time you enjoy life!!!

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