What Does RA Hip Pain Feel Like | Arthritis Information


Before my last pregnancy (April 06) I had some serious hip pain, that got better once I got pregnant.  (I also had some other inflammatory symptoms that resolved with pregnancy).
My wrist pain started in Dec 07, seems to be slowly migrating to left wrist, is definitely present in left ankle, and my knees are just slightly affected, not too bad. 
So this right hip pain has been present since January, and it seems to come and go.  I honestly cannot tell whether or not it is RA-related.  I mentioned it to my RD two weeks ago, and I might ask him to investigate further when I see him again at the end of the month--he didn't do any sort of physical exam last time.
Sometimes it gives me a weird limp.  It usually hurts back in my low back though.  Not excruciating, I can walk, but with a mild limp.  But recently it's been hurting in the inner thigh--below buttocks area.  And my quadriceps muscle hurts a lot, down the front of my leg.  Also, my right foot turns out to the side when I walk.  I can't tell if I just need to get that hip back in alignment with a good massage, or if there is something inflammatory.  It flares a few days after a mild workout, so it's hard to tell.
Thanks for any input!
30 y.o.
Inflammatory Polyarthritis
KatieG2008-04-07 09:21:58From what I understand if it's caused by RA it will hurt in the groin area. I often have pain in the hips on the outside area of the hips and that's bursitis I think.
Hope you feel better soon.
For me, when my hips are hurting from RA, I feel it in two places.  It either happens in my outer hip area or in the groin area.  But that doesn't mean that your pain is not related to your hips.  We're all so different and the RA affects us differently as well.
Hopefully you'll get more answers at the end of the month when u see your doctor again.
Hip pain usually connects to lower back pain. If the pain seems to ease upon sitting after standing, I would be inclined to think it's not RA
No, it still hurts right now. I think there is gelling, it's worst on days when I spend a lot of time at my desk.  But I also wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't RA.  I appreciate the input!  I suppose I need to be more forceful with my doctor to ask him to examine it...it has been hurting almost as much as my hand lately...I have hip issues with my RA, I get pain in my groin area and down my leg to the knee. I also have OA in my back with that I get actual pain in my hip bones.KatieG, it definitely sounds like you have some sort of arthritis in your hips beginning.  Only your doctor will be able to tell you if it is from RA or OA, or is OA caused by RA, etc.  No matter what, you need to get it checked out before they can determine what the best treatment for you will be.  All of the pains you are experiencing are related to the hip joint.
I have OA in both hips and am in the process of investigating hip resurfacing as an alternative to hip replacement.  I think it makes a lot of sense for me, and it might for you too, but you need to get checked out first to find out what is going on.  If you ever want to PM me for information, please feel free.  I'll help anyway I can.
You might find it helpful to get up from your desk a little bit more often. If nothing else you probably will feel a bit better from the stretch.

I also have hip pain. 

Pain from sleeping in a bed that doesn't work for me.. is on the outside of my hips... and can travel to my back.
Pain in the front and into the groin area is more like the discomfort I have in all my other joints... Repetitive movement of bending and straightening will cause me to hurt in the groin.

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