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I have been kinda busy not so much doing anything in particular. Went to church Sunday. Something special was going on. It was cold as heck in the church, made my right hip hurt.

I guess the remicade is wearing off. My knees were a little more than puffy last night, but this morning they are just puffy.
I cannot breathe out my nose, both sides are stopped up. But I can eat a Ginger Ale Halls and it clears up one side.
I am still retaining water, I cannot fit into any of my pants with buttons & zippers... I can do the lay down on the bed and get hubby to force button them and zip them, but when I sit up it feels like they are cutting me in half!
I am starting to get use to my right side of the face being numb and not feeling like anything is there. I am not touching it so much to see why my face feels like that. I do poke it though, at least 2 times a day to see if I got any feeling back, and nope nothing yet. Wonder if it will come back? *thinking need to look up on google*
I am having a lot of trouble out of my right hip again. I have been taking a half of Darvocet just about every day last week and the weekend. I have these weird pains in my right leg that the Darvocet does not take the pain away. Only had these pains in my legs since after I had the stroke. My right leg muscles are also much weaker than they just to be. It is always feeling sore now, and tires easily. I am not even sore what is from. UGH!
I go for the ultrasound of my heart this wednsday. I guess that is good... because my pulse is still not normal, but my BP is most times.
Then I go for RD appt the 17th. And I am not sure about the Remicade, because I just realized that my Remicade appt and my thyroid Dr appt are on the same day and oppisite ends of the state, over an hour to each and looks like they are both at 1:15pm. WOW! I bet that would never be done like that again! Both at the same time and day... LOL!
Looks like Remicade will have to be rescheduled, if RD leaves me on it.
I go the the doctor my GP is referring me to for my thyroid, April 21st. Yeah this should be interesting.
Hi Joonie, I'm so sorry that this has piled on you.  No wonder you've been lying low.  Just sorting it all out and trying to do what the doctors are telling you, would take all your energy and concentration.  Did the doctors tell you why you're swelling around you abdomen area?  Take care and keep us updated.  Lindy No, I have not been back to GP, yet. I am retaining water everywhere! I mean I went from weighing 167 to 172 in less than 2 weeks time. That was after I started the BP meds. I feel like I am sloshing around when I walk. Like when my legs hit the ground it feels like a slosh. I am thinking it is water retension from the BP meds. I hope it is aways!
I just have not been feeling up to being on the internet that much of lately. Just kinda busy with doing other stuff right now. I have been trying to clean the house some, but not do too much at one time. It is hard, but the pain makes me take a lot of breaks and sometimes I just give up.

Ginger Ale Halls?  My husband would be crazy about those! I've got to see if I can find those.

Have you ever tried those breath-right strips? You might try something like that if you can't breath out of your nose Joonie. They might help.
Hope you're feeling better soon.

Hope ya feel better soon, Joonie.

I take two different kinds of BP meds, and one of them has a diuretic in it, so that I don't retain water.  Perhaps you can ask your doctor about adding a diuretic if you are feeling that bloated.

Medications used in lowering blood pressure fast are diuretics, beta-blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin antagonists, alpha blockers, alpha-beta blockers, nervous system inhibitors and vasodilators.

Diuretics help prevent retention of water by flushing out excess water and sodium from the body. Proper excretion of these elements in the urine helps alleviate congestion in the organs of the body such as the heart.

Did your doctor prescribe a diuretic for you to take along with your other BP med?  Irregardless, you need to call your primary care doc and let them know about the fluid retention - it's not a good thing to have with high BP.  If you're on a diuretic they'll up the dose.  If you're not on one, they'll most likely prescribe one for you.  CALL YOUR DOCTOR.  Lindy
Joonie, I know it hurts, but you need to get moving!! You'd be surprised how much it actually helps once you get past the hurt. And don't give up right away either. Make yourself go the next day and the day after that and the day after that.   It might help some of these problems you've been experiencing and it will also get your mind off them, even if it's just for a little bit. I hope you get to feeling better soon. *hugs*
Seems like a lot going on with u right now...hope things get better.i hope things start going better for you and your family, you know that saying what doesn't kill us makes us stronger we should all a strong group of people always going through all of this stuff. oh well makes for an interesting life i suppose we sure don't get bored are days are rarely the same. hope you and everyone else have a nice evening.Hi Joone, I hope you get things figured out soon. I do agree maybe you need to get something to help get rid of the bloating and water. Are you on pred?
take good care
Joonie, did the doctor ever tell you why your face is numb?  Is it related to the RA?  How long has it been like that?

Joonie, Sweetie! I'm so sorry you are having so many problems. I haven't been on much, lately. When did you have a stroke? Did I actually miss that? Is that why the side of your face is numb? Do they know what caused it?

I know I'm asking a lot of questions, but I'm worried about you. You are too young to have to deal with all this. I hope you start feeling better soon. I agree about the diuretic. If you are swelling that badly, it sounds like you really need something. I take Lasix and Potassium every day. Even so, I am very swollen the past week. I can gain or lose up to 7 lbs in one day! It's pretty freaky.
Take care, Sweetie. Hugs, Nini
Joonie, I am so sorry you are going through all this, it just stinks. I agree with the others, please call your dr for something to ease the water retention, it must be miserable to feel that smooshed in your pants. I think I would stay in my most comfy jammies all day. Probably not the best advice, but I am all about comfort anymore. Please take care and don't over-do sweetie!
Joonie...are you drinking plenty of water.  Sometimes with new meds and especially those that work through the system...if we start gaining weight we will stop drinking.
You have been given great advice. I just want to tell you that I am here for you...take care and have a better day!  Take care!

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