Funny Pain is just one letter off of PANIC! BOOHOO | Arthritis Information


well good news is asthma is a little better-not better enough though cause ihave to go back to the doctors next week but i personally think its a ok. bad news is im flaring BAD. stuff that never used to hurt hurts like my neck, shoulders and even back. i am having trouble sitting through class because of how uncomfortable i am sitting. not to say my legs and arms arent killing me either i cant fall asleep cause i hurt too, and i wake up in pain. my doc put me back on mtx ive just been off a month. i want to go on prednisone but she didnt wnt to do it. i want a magic drug i want to be all better and normal and feel like a real 20 year old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that wont happen so i at least want a med that makes a nice dent in stufff!!!!!! was so bad that i was crying/on verge all day i really want to hold a baby or puppy :( warm cuddly things really do make you feel better at least emotionally!Oh so sorry Mermaid. I wish you lived close we have all kinds of kittens to hold and love. One of our cats had 2 two days ago, and other cat had 2 yesterday. We live in the boondocks in the cornfields and they are outside cats cuz' I am so allergic. 

Can you give your doc a call and see if they can help you out with something?
I wish you well. My daughter is 20 and I know how much you must miss being able to feel like you are 20.
Hang in there kiddo, things will get better soon, but seriously, try giving dr a call.
take care
i did today and she put me back on mtx i asked for pred and she didnt want to.........I don't take pred. I don't like it. How about a muscle relaxer. ? Those help me more then the pain meds sometimes.i dunno. so ive tried flexeril.....and all it did was make me sleepy constantly. didnt actually help me pain wise....Yep they make me sleepy too. I take them at bed time so I don't wake in the night with a charlie horse in my leg or feet.
I hope you feel better soon!
