Fallen arches? | Arthritis Information


For weeks I thought that my arch pain was just another thing to add to the list but now realize that it may well be related to the RA.  Along that line, I figured some of you may have trouble with it too and have found some relatively easy ways to address it (I'm trying to put off specialized equipment like custom orthotics, etc for as long as possible.)  Anything you've found that helps or makes it worse?Hi Sunam, I have a lot of problems with pain in the arch area as well as swelling in the balls of the feet, I believe this is related to the inflammatory arthritis.  I went to a podiatrist and she ordered custom orthotics, they helped a lot.  The cost was 100% covered by my insurance. Other than that I've found that Dansko shoes are very comfortable and supportive, and I try to always wear shoes with a bit of a heel, totally flat shoes are a no-no for me.  My feet have gotten wider since my joints started swelling, I had to go up half a size and most of my old shoes are now too narrow in the forefoot.  Also, I never go barefoot at all anymore. 

Have you seen a podiatrist for your foot pain?
Best wishes,
sunam,   my doctor recommended really good running shoes.   i had braces made to fit in my running shoes this worked for many years.  i am flat footed so my feet have really been attacked by RA.  my ankles too.  my doctor says it has a tendency to settle in already weak places in our bodies.  i also never go bare footed.....  crocs in the house very comfy.   when i am planning to walk or exercise i wear MBT trainers.  i can no longer wear dress shoes or running shoes but for years i loved asics gels.putting off something like orthotics is counter intuitive.  By not properly supporting the feet you are actually going to end up causing yourself a lot more problems.  Sore feet affects your walking gait which in turns causes pain in your knees, hips and backs.
In addition get good shoes.  don't skimp here.  In most cases with shoes there really is a quality difference in the high end and low end shoes.  A properly fitted ( i use a running store) shoe will do wonders for your feet
I still barefoot a lot in the house (lazy mentality) but those days will probably end.
Best thing I've found is something called Superfeet. These are inserts and you just put them in your shoes. They are durable, zero maintenance and very inexpensive. You can buy them on the web although some stores like REI carry them too.
I've long ago given up on fashion or very dressy footwear. I have put in a lot of time standing and walking--there's no way I'd still be alive if I wore "dress for success" clothing. Walking, hiking shoes, preferably with Gore-Tex, ring my chimes. Lesser shoes are fine around the house. You want your feet warm dry and well-supported.
All last summer my feet were so swollen that I could only wear sandals with a velcro strap so I could adjust them.  Finally went to a store that specializes in very good shoes and orthotics.  Instead of the good pair of shoes I was looking for I ended up with oxfords, custom orthotics and rocker soles. I call them my clown shoes.  My left foot turns in and is causing a bone in my arch to protrude.  My RD says that I have had arthritis in my feet for years and all the docs I have been to haven't picked up on it. 
Does anybody else have rocker soles?  I hate them.  My orthotist says I will have to have them forever or my feet will hurt.  I am a shoe freak and have a closet full of shoes I can't wear.  Just hate to think I will be stuck wearing ugly shoes for the rest of my life.   It puts the kabash on wearing dresses and skirts.  Oh well, it could be worse. 
hi sunam.. i am maie.. so not knowing much about ladies footwear. but i have found
the flater the shoes the more pressure was put on joints.
and no i have not worn the wifes high heels  I have been living this foot hell for sometime now.  I have had the most success with a Birkenstock orthotic in my shoes.  I wear Birkenstock sandles in the summer but they are hard to break in--after that they are the best.  Painful until broken in.  I was wearing the Birkenstock clogs all winter until I switched to Clark's with a Birkenstock orthotic.  I dr. up the Clark's with a foam foot pad because I have to buy shoe bigger for the orthotic and it helps take up the extra room in the toe area and makes it softer.   I had had rx orthoics twice now, and neither set have worked well.  So basically, I spent over 0 on orthotics and they sit.  One pair was so bad I just threw them out.  I haven't tried  Dansko.  I haven't worn a hight heel in many years (but I would love to but I would have them off in 2 minutes.)    I have been able to got barefoot lately on thick carpet.  It feels so good!  But on non-carpeted areas--I can't--it is bone hitting the floor and painful.  It is all RA related--I have no fat pads left in my feet at all.  You just have to se what works for you.  Oh yeah, the foot doctor when asked about Birkenstocks--said they would not help---funny that is the only thing that has helped and much cheaper than rx orthotics that he sold to me--oh sorry--there I go bashing doctors again.  Anyway, good luck. 
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