Yet another visit to the pain doc | Arthritis Information


Had another appointment yesterday. This was my 4th one for injections. He was pretty happy with the range of motion of the right shoulder. Then he moved the left one-not expecting anything and laughed. It seems we will just be going from one shoulder to the other. It's always something.

He was not happy with the chest wall pain. He said the muscles there were incredibly tight(once again, got the resident in as well to feel up the chest-oh joy) and did an injection on either side-kinda like an inch in from the armpit(lovely). This should help loosen those muscles. I would appreciate that since breathing is a bit of a necessity. He also extended PT for another month after I finish the orginal script. He said give the chest a week or two and if there is no improvement to give him a call. All I have ever had done is a chest xray and he would like to look a little bit more carefully. I am guessing an MRI?

So, appointment scorecard: I would give it a C

right shoulder and surrounding muscles much better
headaches much better
left shoulder-not so hot
chest wall/sternum-really really not so hot
My grip has also improved.

Stay tuned: I go back in 3 weeks. I know you can hardly wait glad you have improvement!!

It's frustrating to say the least.. sometimes it feels like two steps forward and four back... but I guess we have to continue to plug on to get ahead??
Good luck... I hope for continued improvement for you!!
Do all those shots hurt?  I'd be so scared if someone came at me with needles pointed at those spots.  Hope they work for ya, Rock.Well, the needles don't feel good. But I am pretty desperate at this point. I am really trying to avoid surgery. They would go in and clip a few of the muscles to cause everything to loosen up.

I just hate that it is always something.Dr. just said that it was bad luck that the shoulder, neck, and chest were all so affected at the same time. That is what began this whole issue.
