Knee surgery | Arthritis Information


My left knee is going south. Ortho guy re possible surgery tomorrow AM with other questions on my list of to dos. Prayer would be appreciated. Hey Mab.  You and your doc are on my list. Hope all goes well. Good luck, Mab! I'll be thinking about you.Hope you don't need surgery.  Will be thinking about you.   LindyHey gang,
Considering that I got nowhere with my rheum thus far, today's appointment with the ortho doc was rather revealing.

I'm on the table and he's examining my knees. Completely unsolicited, he said that he’s not at all surprised about the pain or stiffness in them. “You have arthritis.”  Questioning him, he just flat out said, “You had it years ago, I saw it.” I’m sure he saw it in great detail too since he did the arthroscopy.

Anyway no surgery for now. He gave a prescription to continue the Relafen. He said I could supplement it with Naproxen or Ibuprofen since it seems to wear down by the end of the day.

Anyway the diagnosis looks like ammo to push for a better dx than I have gotten thus far. It's not all in my head anymore, even if it's only confirmed in my knees.
