Secret Facial Fountain of Youth | Arthritis Information


And the secret coconut oil. Slather it on your freshly cleaned face, I recomend using either johnson's  no tears baby wash or as I use aveeno baby wash and shampoo. I remember listening to a dermotoligist lecture and I remember him stating that  "when looking for a soap we should be looking for the soap that is least damaging, not one that is best for our skin, because all soaps are damaging to the skin. Anyway, take the coconut oil in your palms and it quickly melts, put it all over your neck and face and even the scalp to help with hair fallout and hair conditioning. Carefully put it around the eyes but not close to the eye. Try to not use make-up. You will see excellant results in a very short period of time. Look in the mirror in about 2-3 hours. Oh, and it's pretty inexpensive. I bought it at meijers for about for a large 14 oz bottle, don't buy it at a health food store, too expensive. I've been using it for about 2 months and wow, what a difference and I no longer have a hand full of hair when shampooing. Good luck with it to those that try this miracle oil.

levlarry2008-04-10 09:18:25That sounds like it would make your face really oily.  Does it?kweenb2008-04-10 09:30:40


At first it is a little oily but not for long, but don't try it if you don't want, the skin kinda absorbs it and the skin just looks moisturized as it is, inside and out and that in itself makes healthy skin, it's just a suggestion.

Wow, I think if I go back on mtx I will try that, I lost a lot of hair do to that medication. Lev,
I've been searching for something to use as a moisturizer.  I'm allergic to soy and it seems like all the moisturizers have soy in them now.  The ones that don't have soy, seem to have too much fragrance added and then it causes my asthma to act up.  I've been having a difficult time finding something.
So, I'm definitely going to try it.  Thanks for the post.
