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Yesterday we were out and about most of the day and did a TON of walking. I knew I was overdoing it, but I just kept on going. I refuse to let this minor setback called RA hold me down. *I am wonderwoman!* I love pretending I don't have a crippling autoimmune disease.

Anyhow, we got home and I figured I would take a shower to loosen everything up. Holy crap! So I get undressed and not only are my knees swollen, but they were bruised, too!! I knew my knees where hurting, but I didn't realize I was totally beating them black and blue. Nothing like kicking your own ass. Good times.
So how have you guys been doing? We've got snow here - again. It started around midnight and it's been going all day; sometimes it's fluffy and sometimes it's more wet than anything. I think we're expecting about 8 inches between today and tomorrow. (It looks like it's already melting though.)
Hope you are all having a superfantastic and extra-comfortable day! *hugs* 
Sorry you are suffering! do your knees usually bruise from over use? Ra hasn't affected my knees yet, Oa beat it there firstYour poor knees! I've never heard of that happening. I think you should probably let your doc know that happened. It sounds so painful!
I hope you start to feel better soon. Do you see knee replacements in your future? If they are bruising like that, and with that dreadful painl, it sure sounds like they need to do something for you.
Hope you feel better very soon!
Hugs, Nini

I hope I don't have to get some new ones. I'm kinda partial to the ones I came with. hehe

I though about the Enbrel, and I'm being a rebel at the moment (don't have Enbrel right now) and haven't had that shot in over a month.  I don't have any other bruises that I know of though. This was just a first - maybe it's a "one and only."  I'm definitely letting my RD know. She can add it to my WTF list she's got going. Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!
Yeah, I'm seeing a pillow in my near future guys. ;)
I apologize if anything of this doesn't makes sense. I probably shouldn't be fighting my Ambien. LOL
Sorry to hear of your knees, Mel. Mine sometimes look bruised, but it is only the veins under my thin skin that I see when I look a little closer.
I hate it when my knees act up and swell and hurt, don't you?
Hope you feel better tomorrow.
mrs a, i am sorry you overdid and are hurting.    but just remember who is the real wonderwoman!   i hope you feel much better tomorrow *hugs*.    wonderwoman
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