A possible newbie called ACZ885 | Arthritis Information


ACZ885, A New Biological Drug In Development, Shows Potential In Treating Serious Life-long Autoinflammatory Diseases

Main Category: Arthritis
Also Included In: Clinical Trials / Drug Trials
Article Date: 09 Apr 2008 - 1:00 PDT

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So do we know anything about side-effects? Or when it's going to be on the shelves? (It'll probably be a while, methinks.) But, yay, new treatments!  Gypsy,
The drug is already being used catagorized as orphan drug and that's good for everyone because we will see the good and bad on a patient level. So far they say that the most serious side effect is upper respiatory infection and site injection rash:
Orphan drug status has already been granted to ACZ885 in the European Union and US for treating CAPS, and in the EU for SJIA. Orphan drugs are those designed to treat serious or life-threatening diseases affecting less than 200,000 people (in the US)5 or less than five out of 10,000 people (in the EU)6.
I read about this. It certainly seems promising.
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