Prednisone - weight | Arthritis Information


Has anyone been successful in losing weight whilst still on prednisone

I've been on varying doses of pred. for the past few years and have gained 20 + lbs over that time.

When I started Humira back in Nov. 07 I lost 5 lb within the first fortnight, which really pleased me.   As I was feeling so much better, I naturally got more physical work done.  The first dose of Humira was without doubt the most powerful one - since then, the doses haven't had quite the same inpact.  In saying that, I have full use of my hands again for which I'm truly grateful

 I'm currently on 5 mgs pred. per day.   Have been gradually dropping dose since starting Humira as I want off it completely. 
I don't need to use scales to know that I've put the 5lb I lost initially, back on. 
Anyhooow, just hoping to hear that weight loss may yet be possible whilst still on low dose pred.
HI Midgimoo, I have lost weight on pred but the only way is to limit your carbs and have low fat and low G.I foods, coupled with some form of exercise.  My exercise regime is too irregular due to flares to make a great difference and I crave all the wrong things on pred.  It is a constant battle and the weight shifts very slowly.  I am on 8 mg per day but I am possibly having to increase it on Monday to 50mg reducing over 7 days.  Best of luck. Regards Janie.XX   Hi Midgimoo. I am sorry you are having so much trouble. I am new to this all (about 6 months) but I have been off adn on Prednisone for a while, never going below 10mg, before having to increase it once again. I have gained and lost, but not while on them. I was recently told to drink green tea at least once a day and it helps to balance that water weight. I have tried it and I really have noticed a difference. I hope this helps.Well I haven't found out a way to do it. I sure have no problem putting the weight on.
This appetite is out of control. I never used to eat in between meals now I am constantly eating. I used to have will power - now I can't tell myself no!
Thanks for sharing girls. 
Here I am in the middle of the night and what should I be brewing whilst cranking up the internet but a cup of Green Tea
I remember well the hugely increased appetite when taking much stronger doses of pred.   I'm not so bad on this low dosage. 
Most of my daily exercise comes in the form of routine farm chores.  On average I probably put in 4 hours work a day, broken up into morning and late afternoon sessions.   I'm in awe of you folk who manage to hold down a full time job as well as running the home.   I've had RA and Fibro for twenty years now and have never been able to do any more than what I do now.   
Thanks again for sharing your experiences and ideas.  I'll get some more Green Tea next time I'm in town and endeavour to have at least one cup per day
Oh, I meant to comment on the short high dosage course you mention Janie.  I've noticed other folk on the forum mentioning this as well.   I've not heard of taking pred. like this before.  In NZ the options are a high dose injection or very slowly increase the daily tablet dose.   Hope you improve Janie so you don't have to increase your dose. Get out of town- you are doing farm chores and you ask how we can work full time and run a house? I'm sure what you do is very streneous!Midgi...I don't take pred on a regular basis so I haven't had any weight gain.  But I do know that if you want to lose those pounds through exercise you need to get your heart rate up.  I believe that the work you do is hard work, but if you're still gaining it obviously isn't enough.  If you could add a brisk walk or even 10  minutes with a jump rope might be just the thing that would do the trick.  I'm assuming here that if you can handle farm work, those things might not be too hard with your RA.  If you want to get an even bigger boost, add some strength training.  Muscle burns calories, so if you can build them up, you burn more.  That's why men lose weight more easily than women.  They naturally have more muscle mass.  Anyway, hang in there! :) hi midge. i have been on pred 13yrs never really put on weight untill i restarted mtx
last year.. i started eating loads due to sicky feelling.. not much help to you.
just saying all weight gain is not just due to pred..


done a edit to say i have never had the depomedrol dose pack .. dont
thinkit is available here in uk.. i had medrol injections
Boney2008-04-11 14:03:25Yeah, Midgie, I'm turning into a little fatty over here! I've gained 7 kilos (which is great because I was 45 kg and I could never gain weight!) in 3 months! My weight comes from energy drinks and sugary coffee (as well as a love for fish fingers) and all the water I drink, I don't really eat lots of fatty food (being a vegetarian). Have you tried a liver cleansing diet? (low carb, low GI, no wheat, etc) It's next my plan of attack! I wouldn't suggest you stop drinking the milk, it is the most delicious thing in the world (especially fresh!), and can help osteo!

p.s. I forgot to say last time you were on, I live in Perth and I also have family in Esperance! Small world. _popupControl(); I don't know if your milk is whole or raw or what have you, but 2 litres of milk has at least 1000 calories(and most probably more)! I'm all for getting nutrition from food before supplements, but if you are drinking so much milk to get more calcium in your system, maybe you could drink 1 litre of milk and add a calcium supplement.Skim that milk!Thanks for your replies folks  I probably gave the wrong idea about the farm work I do.  I have a smallholding and over the past year have sold most of my cows due no longer being able to much physical work.   I now just have 8 head of cattle of varying ages.   Soon to be just 6 as putting one in the freezer next month and another is sold.   I can no longer heave bales of hay around so my partner kindly helps with things like that.   I still halter break the odd young one but I've developed a nice easy way to do this.  Training them to milk is still hard work most of the time tho.  I've really got my workload down to a minimum now and there won't be much more training needed to be done in the future.  
Pain in both feet is the worst of my RA so am unable to walk far - I cringe at the thought of  using a jump rope
No, never tried the liver cleansing diet Paperdoll.   Will look into that.  On each of my trips to Aussie I've put on weight - those darned yummy chicko rolls you have over there!   We're hoping to get over to your neck of the woods maybe this time next year
Skim my home grown milk - that would be sacrilage!!!   I figured it would be loaded with calories as you should see how quickly my calves grow on it and each cow raises two calves at a time.  One cow does three and hers are always the biggest!!   I had hoped that I'd avoid oestoporosis with drinking so much milk but I'm to start Fosamax next week as recent x-rays have revealed a fracture in my back.  Done two years ago but not found until now. 
I'll try less calories in, more worked off and the Green Tea of course.  I quite enjoyed that tea.   I'm still in awe of you folk that can work full time and run the home
sorry if I offended you MidgimooWhile on prednisone I found out I was gluten intolerant, and cutting out gluten helped a lot, because then I couldn't really mindlessly snack on stuff anymore. Another thing that helps with the weight gain is carb control and sugar control. If I ate anything with sugar while on prednisone I could not stop eating it. Prednisone messes up your blood sugar. Hope that helps. Oh, there is a lot of sugar in milk too (lactose is a sugar). No, you didn't offend me WanttobeRAfree, honest
A while back I had tests to see if I was gluten intolerant as I have such a crook digestive system, but I'm not 
Well, we're about to head off for a weekend on a High Country Station that my daughter and her partner have recently taken up employment on.   The sun is shining, have all my camera batteries charged and we have an adventure ahead of us so all is well with my world today
Catch ya's in a couple of days!
While I sit here munching chocolate toffee chex mix- I thank you for the info about the sugar trigger. I am going to try to eat non sugary things and see if it breaks the eating habit! Everything sweet is just what I have been craving and eating.
from New Zealand, i want to know more!!!
whats it like, neighbors, anything and everything!!
 and would love to see pics, hope you have/ had a great trip!!'
and I think you're doing fab!!.. i wouldn't be able to do farm chores,  i haven't been able to do anything to my apt, in a yr!! lol
ohh big thing, Elevation!!!
If you start putting your legs up, All the time, it really really helps!!
i think its the milk for the weight, lol~
but hey, i put on 40 lbs on pred!!! and couldn't stop eating too!..  off the pred for awhile now , and  slowly some of it is coming off, but i'm not doing anything special lol
Whispered2008-04-12 11:18:19want to be...  I consider myself a sugar addict.  I cannot control myself with the sweet tooth.  I forego eating healthy for a candy bar instead.  I can have one for breakfast and one for dinner, etc.  I cannot seem to break this horrible habit and it seems to have gotten so much worse since being diagnosed with RA a year and 1/2 ago.  I'm sure it is not helping me in the least.  Any suggestions on how to break this dreadful cycle.  Everyday I  tell myself that I am not going to have anything sweet today and it never seems to work.  I seriously crave the stuff.  I dunno if its my age (44) or what!  I know a better diet would make me feel loads better...but I dont know where to start and get so confused with all the diets out there that I just reach for more chocolate.  Gggrrr its a neverending cycle for me.  If it weren't for my going to the gym I'm sure I'd be 500 lbs by now.  Why on why can't I stop doing things that are bad for me? 
I am a chocoholic and I admit it and need help!
Lori, have you ever tried replacing the candy bar with a protein bar?  Some of them are REALLY good!  Time of my life-
Well this week I told myself- OK obviously you can't tell yourself no cookie so when you go grocery shopping you will not buy cookies. If there are no cookies you cannot eat cookies.
What did I do? I bought a bag of Nutter Butters for home and a bag for work.....
Yeah, I think I've been kidding myself that I'm working off all the calories from my creamy milk
Whilst having my first dexa scan years ago I realized that elevating the feet helps tremendously when in agony.  I bought a foam humpty just like they use when scanning the hip area.   I need to stretch out on the bed most afternoons and often nod off for a couple of hours.  Even before being diagnosed 20 years ago I've needed to rest in the afternoons.   Get very achey and grumpy if I don't some days
I intend to get off pred ASAP due to my teeth loosening.  I'll have to be careful of what I eat now so hopefully that'll help me offload a few pounds