Scary Knee Pain & I'm Short on Crutches! | Arthritis Information


So my left shin/knee has been acting up a bit in the past few days. I have a history of water on the knee in addition to RA, so I figured I had just tweaked it wrong. My PT didn't seem too worried and recommended I go to the sports therapist and get some insoles becacuse women's hips can cause their knees to go all wonky.

But about a week after those complaints I go to get up from my chair--just a few minutes ago--and can barely put weight on my left leg. OW. Before this I have had no reason to own crutches
I'm stuck on a college campus an hour away from family, and my roommate is gone, and my suitemates are potheaded creeps, who probably don't own crutches and don't know about my RA. My food has dwindled to an orange and a jar of peanut butter. (Never put an anemic fatigue prone girl on a deserted island) I have a few athlete friends on campus who may have crutches but I'm stumped as to how to get them...
Thank god, my roommate will be home tonight. I've tried icing my knee, but any ideas on what else  could help?(besides painkillers, which I try not to take with my mtx because it makes my liver hurt like a beezy) Or any ideas on what it is? It feels like joint or muscle pain, but to acute/weird to be entirely RA.
Or just hugs would help. Or anyone in San Jose, CA with some crutches to spare?
I mostly posted this because I am kind of freaking out, after being surrounded be people ALL THE TIME and now being entirely isolated... and unable to move.littlegypsy- you are breaking my heart honey! I think I told you before I picture my own kids who are away in college going through what you are and wish you didn't have to.
Can you call your mom and get some comfort?
Try elevating your knee above your hip level.
Can you call your friends who may have crutches and ask for a favor that they bring them?
When your room mate comes back can she go get you something to eat?
Lots of hugs to you. Let me know how you are making out.

Just an update - Icing really helped, I can walk though it looks a bit funny. But if I can make it down to the market for a microwave pot-pie, I am totally down with that.

RAFree--thank you for your kind thoughts :) It's nice to talk to adults/parents who understand RA, my mom kind of freaks out at every little thing, and I'm pretty independent myself... so this is nice :) What are your kids studying?

My roommate and her boyfriend are home, a friend of mine has a leg brace, and apparently I can rent crutches on campus for free (but not til monday)!

I'm glad you are feeling better and have a plan!!! Is the health center at your school any good for when you have these things come up?
My daughter will graduate this year with her masters in education and yesterday she got an offer to teach at a school she is very much interested- hooray! She was a double major as an undergraduate in philosphy & English. She will be teaching H.S> Language Arts.
My son is studying anthropology and sociology it's is first year and his plan is to go on to a graduate program in law. We'll see. He went in with the intention of being an athletic trainer but changed majors. I thought his major was a good one because he played football since he was 5 through high school. He has a love of culinary arts . He can cook very well and enjoys it very much. He works as a server in an upscale restaurant. I really see him opening a restaurant some day but I keep my mouth shut and let him find his own way because he is independent like you and I feel he is an adult and it's time for me to keep my opinions to myself.
What are you studying?
Hey!! I hope your knee is feeling better!! im off for a day in the library hoping i dont fall asleep HAH not a chancelittleist gypsy- I had you mixed up with littlemermaid last night I think. It's good there are a two of you that can relate to being away at college and having to be brave and on your own with this darn RA.How funny that we're both "little", lol.
The health center is kind of bureacratic i.e. if you want something done or just have a question you *have* to make an appt with a doctor... unless you know where the nurse's station is ;). I think I can just walk into the physical therapists office without an appointment, though, since I've been there before... and she told me to come back if I wanted my shoulders taped up again (my bad posture is part of what hurts my shoulders). So that will be okay.
I came with the intent of studying English to be an English teacher... but now I'm not so sure that I want to study English at all, it seems so... limited. One language, mostly british lit, etc etc. I'm thinking of behavioral sciences (anth, soc, or psych) or something, but then that musses up my "back-up" plan of teaching, which I'm not sure I'm cut out for/want to do anyway.
Congratulations to your daughter on her teaching job! Are your kids super far away from home? I'm only an hour, with traffic, but this big city is so different from my little cowtown, it seems like more.
My daughter who also has always wanted to be a teacher since 5th grade waivered and cost herself extra classes and time when she finally reverted back to her plan of teaching. But don't let me discourage you from thinking it out and possibly changing your mind. Try voicing your feelings to your academic advisor or the career planner if they have one.
She is only an hour away also and that worked well because she had some adjustment problems  and she has a nervous stomach which caused her problems the first couple of years.
My son is 6 hrs. away.
I know the health center at my daughter's school wasn't much good. One time she even got pink eye just because she went there for a different reason......That's what you get for free I guess
Little~Hope you feel better soon. Littleistgypsey, I just now saw your post, don't know how I missed it before.  I hope you're doing much better today.  How awful to be alone and in pain.  I can understand why your mom freaks out.  Remember that you're her "baby" and always will be and when you hurt, she hurts.  We understand you and your need for independence with this disease, but your mom is the one you'll always be able to count on. Having said that, I hope you'll continue to use us as your back-up and sounding board.  Tell us all the things you don't want to freak mom out about.  We can take it.  Hugs, sweetie, from another mom.  Thanks for all your love, everyone, it really helps :)
The knee is actually worse, and my hamstrings hurt too? It's really weird. But I'm through freaking out about it and am going to drop in to my PT's office Monday morning.... I'm just dreading walking to class.... I'm hoping she has a cane I can borrow (and that I can get the hang of using one, lol!), according to my mother crutches will only mess up my already flaring shoulders.
Does anyone else seem to get a flare right before an RD appt? I thought I was doing okay the last time, then my shoulder started freaking out and we went onto MTX, and I have an appointment next week and all of a sudden I'm flaring and my knee is killing me. I wonder if my body knows the appointment is coming and is saying "Keep upping the drugs!"
I'll let you guys know how the knee goes. Hug hugs <3
Well at least that's better than going in symptom free after you have been suffering and having them look at you like you are making it up. That's what used to happen to me. My mornings were tortureous-slightless movement caused level 10 pain. Afternoons were fine. That's when my appointments were.
Keep us posted about how you are feeling, Hope you are better by the time you need to do your walking!
Hope your RA takes it easy on you till you can get to the RD appiontment. Sorry you got stranded by your knee. I hate getting stranded and to be low on food. Best to try to have some mad money set back for a delivery guy. I know who has money. I love the forum when i am stranded by this disease. Let us know how you are doing and what the RD says. Feel better.