Couldn't believe, watching | Arthritis Information


I could not believe it when I saw Obama live on tv in my home town, Muncie, Indiana. Whooohooo go Muncie! I do not recall a presidential candidate ever visiting there before.

WHen in college ( BSU of course) I did take my then much younger daughter to go see "John John Kennedy" ( may he rest in peace). He was so kind and shook hands with everyone and signed programs. He actually even spoke to my daughter( she was one of the only children there)....he took the time to be kind. It was nice.
Anyway, I was very surprised to see Obama live on tv in Muncie.
jodejjr2008-04-12 07:12:25Hmm. Obama's pastor, the reverend Wright will be visiting Detroit for the upcomming NAACP dinner as the main speaker.  Quite controversial.

Reverend Wright is a anti-american racist. Oooops, I beg yours' pardons, I am not allowed to say that. If it were a white reverend that founded a pro white church and made anti-american, anti jewish statements I could call the white revend an anti-american racist, and I would, but because reverend Wright is a black reverend, I'm not supposed to say that he is a anti-american racist. Again, I beg yours' pardons.

You don't have to beg my pardon.  I think you're just callin a spade a spade.  ROFL[QUOTE=Linncn]You don't have to beg my pardon.  I think you're just callin a spade a spade.[/QUOTE]
Now was that necessary????? [QUOTE=Linncn] Was what necessary?   [/QUOTE]

Some people say "call a spade a spade" to mean call something what it is, but the famous John Trapp quote "Gods people shall not spare to call a spade a spade, a niggard a niggard." might lead some people to believe you were using the word "spade" as a colloquial and outdate derogatory term for a Black American like Trapp did. I'm SURE that's not how you meant it but I can see how some might find the comment offensive.Gimpy-a-gogo2008-04-12 17:12:13I took it to mean calling it like it is.Thanks Lovie.  That's what I've always known that common phrase to mean and I have never once heard it used in any kind of racial or other way.  To anyone that thinks otherwise...please insert any playing card symbol you want in place of spade.   Geez.  Yeah, I used to use it all the time to mean call something what it is until I read it in it's original context and I was shocked. Then I retired it from my vocabulary.[QUOTE=JasmineRain]I love the comments Obama made today about small-town folk.
Jas I didn't know what comments you meant till a few minutes ago.  Wow.  I can't
 believe he said that.
I don't care for Obama I don't know what the big fuss is about him.  He does not impress me at all.  McCain scares me with making the comment of staying in Iraq for 100 yrs and Hilary I am not too sure about either.    [QUOTE=Linncn]Hmm. Obama's pastor, the reverend Wright will be visiting Detroit for the upcomming NAACP dinner as the main speaker.  Quite controversial.[/QUOTE]
This is like David Duke going to speak at the KKK awards  dinner. This speaks volumes of theracial divide in this country. If the NAACP want a racist anti american as their speaker then they need to re examine their goals.
I agree. You would think that anyone that is against racism wouldn't touch Wright with a ten foot pole.  To have him as the keynote speaker speaks volumes.Have you guys been to the Church web site. It was interesting, in many ways...I don't know, I have been interested in this race more than others. I think its going to be interesting. Honestly I don't like anyway, I feel like I am picking the least offensive, while still not wanting them in office. I would like to hear what this pastor would say. I think it would be interesting to examine it against other things that have been said.I am too, Sha.  It'll be interesting to see if or how he tries to justify his previous racist statements.  And if people will swallow it.I don't know! They may I mean look at Obama! He has been going to this Church for over twenty years, and people believe that he doesn't share the beliefs. I agree that you don't have to share all the beliefs of the Church you go to. But if it is something serious and very important, and a lot of issues, you just don't sit in the Church! AND, how can you sit and listen to something for that long and not take in some of the information yourself. I was really bothered, especially watching the news and looking at the website. I don't know! This will be very interesting. I don't know though! I know!  If my Pastor consistantly preached something that was deeply offensive to me, and clearly WRONG, I would stop going.  And I think that most people would do the same.  It makes no sense to belong to any group whose beliefs you don't share.  He certainly wouldn't be officiating at my wedding.  Or the baptism of my children.Ok! So how can anyone believe that he doesn't share similar beliefs? I don't know how people easily wrote it off and believed that he said none of the radical beliefs were his. I would also leave a church that I didn't agree with. it just doesn't sit right with me at all!amen shaducky!    not much selection this election.    we all better vote.   or there will be change.   be careful what you ask for.   change?   that could be most anything?  wonderwomanI am going to vote, but I really don't like who I have to choose from. I have lived in AZ while McCain was in office, and well Obama will probably will the democrat ticket, and I hear he is going to take Gore as his Vice. I really don't think Hillary is going to win the democrat ticket, but I don't think I would vote for her. My dad and I have been discussing the race a lot, this is one time he and I like to debate it out good! Now we both think a like ....well to a point...but we have similar view, still we have to debate!

I'm with you Shaducky.  I think that people are willing to accept his (weak) defense because they already liked him a lot when the truth came out.  They want him to be who he wants them to think he is, so they shut their eyes.

wonderwoman~I know.  You would think people would ask what he wants to change to before they jump on the bandwagon, wouldn't ya? do you like McCain as a govenor?
I heard someone high up in the democrat party (I did not recognize his name at the time and cannot recall it now) that said this....that the turmoil between Hillary and Obama would be so great and cause such disfunction within the party that the super delegates would fear that their party would never win the election with either as their candidate.  He said it's not out of the question that the super delegates would vote for neither of the two and go for someone else altogether.  He thought perhaps Al Gore.  For President.  Yikes.
Actually I just read in the LATimes
"WASHINGTON -- There's a reason Democrats are confident they'll win the White House this fall: On the issues that rank highest, Americans seem to agree with their candidates.

There's also a reason Republicans think their party will prevail: In several recent presidential elections, issues took a back seat to personality."
Oh that annoys me! But its true, most people are like my grandma, if the person is pleasing to look and and hear speak they will vote for them.
Do you think that most people this year are going to be voting for Hilary because she is a woman and wont vote for her for the same reason. The same is Obama, I feel more people will vote for him just because he is black, and others wont vote for himfor the same reason.

Oh.  Look at the time.  I gotta go to work.  have a good day everybody :)

i do not like the choices either.   obama scares me --- he looks good, sounds good but he came out of no where.  we do not know what he believes and he does not want us to know.  he does not have the experience to run this country.   hillary is a clinton at least we know what we are getting.  both will raise our taxes higher and higher.  how else are they going to have government take care of everybody.   she also changes her mind alot.  we cannot have a president who one day feels this way and tomorrow feels another way.   wont we be in for a mess...   mccain has at least lived long enough to know how the world works and he has been in the military that is important if you are going to be sending my son to fight a war.  i want someone that has been there and been a p.o.w. but at the same time he is too liberal for me.  but of the three he is the most conservative. ha haI dont know! I don't think I should talk about it too much more, I don't wanna make some enemies here. I like it here! me too!!!   i like it here to.   it is all just an opinion.  and america will vote and america will choose.    do not want to cause any fights.   i think this disease tends to make us have stronger feelings about life issues.Lol maybe, but this race is going to cause a lot of fighting whether or not you have RA. But it was nice to talk for the time we did!

Neat! We had Hillary here in Evansville a couple weeks ago, then last week we had Bill Clinton in my hometown of Boonville. Now I hear that Obama's wife is headed here. Obama is bring out voters that have never before in their lives voted.....never even been registered to vote. He's gaining the interest of people that in the past thought they didn't care one way or the other. Now they are beginning to care. They hear him speak of the little man and think; HEY, he's talking about me! He's going to help us!

That's trouble for the republican party I'm afraid.
[QUOTE=Lovie]Obama is bring out voters that have never before in their lives voted.....never even been registered to vote. He's gaining the interest of people that in the past thought they didn't care one way or the other. Now they are beginning to care. They hear him speak of the little man and think; HEY, he's talking about me! He's going to help us! It's hard enough getting health care now and my taxes are high enough thank you. Lesser of all evils looks like McCain.  Well, during the Bush administration the cost of fuel and healthcare and food have all skyrocketed, so I wouldn't be looking to any republican for savings if I were you. Just saying.United States National Debt since 1938 and the Presidents Responsible for itI agree with levlarry.I agree with levlarry.

I still agree with luvlarry.   I posted twice because I didn't see the first post on page 4.  Learning this setup.

Gimpy, prices are going up all over the world.  You really think that's ALL Bush's fault?  He isn't God you know, he doesn't have that much power.

The primary cause of prices going up is the skyrocketing cost of oil.  That is attributed to "unrest in the Middle East".  Yep, I'm going with it's Bush's fault.

Why do you blame Bush when, as many have forgotten that had Saddaam Hussein simply  honored his agreement to allow th UN to inspect their would have been no war to begin with?  Also, do you blame all the others in government, both dem and republicans who voted to go to war, for the war, or just George Bush?

The decision to support the war by our legislators was based upon bad information given to them by Bush.  I supported it too, based on the information present by Colin Powell to the UN.  Believe it or not, I voted for Bush in the last election.  We were duped.

I also forgot to mention the sub-prime mortgage crisis, a financial crisis unique to the United States (although through the ripple effect being somewhat felt in other parts of the world) and a direct result of banking deregulations. Surely you can't believe THAT'S not the Bush administrations fault!That's the mortgage industry's fault.  They greedily blew it and people followed suit by taking money they couldn't afford.  Personal responsibility...I'm all for it.  This is just going to elapse in a 100 page political thread...and get very heated

Colin Powell, was against the invasion of Irag!.....Do you remembet Hans Blix, the UN weapons inspector, for WPD, begging for more time?..Even though Saddam was a bastard, and killed many people, and was stalling us, we still haven't found the WMD..

This war has never divided our country so much, since the Civil War, so i better shut up right now......8 years of that Texan is way too muchI agree with Linn on the mortgage thing. Not everything can be blamed on the government.
Kristin, I agree with you on that!
A 100 page political thread wouldn't be a bad thing, if we could avoid personal attacks.  We can take exception to what someone else has said, without being nasty or mean.  And respecting the fact that everyone has a right to their opinion.  It is a very limited few who seem unable to do that - most folks are able to disagree without insults.  I hope we can keep it that way.
that is what i was afraid of this morning and tried to gracefully backout of before it happenedWell let's all pledge to keep it nice!I'm for bein nice.  I'm not really even a huge GWB fan, but I think he gets blamed unfairly for a lot of things.
How many times was Sadaam begging for "a little more time"?  Seriously, if Hans Blix and SH had their way, we'd still be waiting.  And waiting for what?  Maybe for SH to remove the WMD?  If he had nothing to hide he should have honored the agreement that HE made.  Oh yeah, and don't forget the whole "oil for food" scandal, and maybe that lucretive deal between SH and France Germany and Russia convinced them that yeah, Sadaam, a hard workin guy like him, he does need a little more time to let us in.
Karen, why do you hold GB accountable for believing false intelligence and acting on it, but not the rest?  I mean yeah, the buck stops here and all that. But when international intelligence is all pointing one way, what should he do?  Assume they're probably ALL wrong and ignore it? 
[QUOTE=wonderwoman] i do not like the choices either.   obama scares me --- he looks good, sounds good but he came out of no where.  we do not know what he believes and he does not want us to know.  he does not have the experience to run this country.   hillary is a clinton at least we know what we are getting.  both will raise our taxes higher and higher.  how else are they going to have government take care of everybody.   she also changes her mind alot.  we cannot have a president who one day feels this way and tomorrow feels another way.   wont we be in for a mess...   mccain has at least lived long enough to know how the world works and he has been in the military that is important if you are going to be sending my son to fight a war.  i want someone that has been there and been a p.o.w. but at the same time he is too liberal for me.  but of the three he is the most conservative. ha ha[/QUOTE]

Obama has been in the news for several years. There has been talk for quite a while about him running, long before he decided to. He did not come out of no where. He was in Chicago, working hard for the poor people. He lives on the south side of chicago. You say he has no experience. What experience did George Bush have? He is an IDIOT!! A stupid monkey that can't say an intelligent thing and worse yet, he drug our children into this quagmire in Iraq. "won't we be in for a mess" What are we in now??? Our country is a mess. There needs to be change. [QUOTE=Linncn] Gimpy, prices are going up all over the world.  You really think that's ALL Bush's fault?  He isn't God you know, he doesn't have that much power.[/QUOTE]

He does not have much power. Linda, please google his veto record. That should give you some insight into his power.

What about habeas corpus?

Shall I go on?

GWB was Govenor of Texas before becomming President Lorster.  Intellectually he's probably smarter than most people on this board.  I'd take a pres who stumbles on his words before a racist who can hardly manage to speak without insulting half the country.  But GWB isn't running so their's no point in carrying this on. :)

Link, the reason I hold GWB responsible, is I believe he probably directed the intelligence to be "created".  He was looking for a reason to go in, naively believing it would be easy, and then the US would have control of the oil there. 
Even if you don't believe that scenario, it was his absolute RESPONSIBILITY to  verify everything before bringing it to the world for a declaration of war.   It's not a situation where you move on something like that and say, oops I wasn't properly informed.
I agree that it was/is a bad war, but not because I think GB is sinister.  I think he's a good man, I guess that's why I always stick up for him.  I think it's a bad war because of the nature of the enemy.  But I must go now, fams waiting to go out for dinner.  Bye It's also a fact, that GW, had someone like Rumsfeld, and Cheney in his staff, so yes, i can blame things like that on him,..and then there is Haliburton

actually Colin Powell would have made a fine president, i wish he would have runour country is not in this shape because of our president.  our president does not have that much power.    now the chairman of the federal reserve he has power!   name 3 things obama has passed, or voted on.   anyone??? [QUOTE=wonderwoman]our country is not in this shape because of our president.  our president does not have that much power.    now the chairman of the federal reserve he has power!   name 3 things obama has passed, or voted on.   anyone???[/QUOTE]

Considering he's missed 40% of the votes since he's been in office, that could be a tough one.
JasmineRain2008-04-14 16:26:01All i had to do, was punch in the candidates voting record, and got directed to washington

it said Hilary has missed 1/3 of her votes, 29% to Obama's 39%...i better look up McCains alsoI, along with millions of others in Illinois, voted for Obama.  Many of us feel cheated.  We didn't think we were hiring a part-time senator.  We also thought we were getting someone more moderate.

Oh well.  At least if he's off campaigning he's doing less damage in Washington.
ok, kinda slow but got that info...McCain has missed 57.6% of votes, over 1/2...

i guess we are all mature enought to know who we want to vote for

I don't know....Obama does not have my vote. His veiws are unclear and his personal beliefs I find very offensive. Not to mention I don't think I would like to have Al Bore...wait I mean Al Gore as vice president. I think it would be neat to have a African American President, I think that it would be very amazing for the people who have died to create the freedom we have in america and for those who continue to fight for it. I also don't think I would want Hilary as president. Again I think it would be really cool to have a lady up there, but I don't think I want that family back in power. Yes they did a lot for the economy, saved  it from destruction! But I don't see her as being the woman with the backbone to fill the job. It might be beneficial though, I mean she has been there before, she has seen the job closer than any of the others. McCain wouldn't be that great either! Yet he knows war, and while in a war it would be good to have someone with experience. He has age which could say that he has seen his way around the block and knows how to hold his head up. One thing I know about him after living in AZ, he doesn't back down, a good and bad thing.

I really believe that whoever becomes president will determine how our country fairs. We are on the brink of disaster, needless to say. Our economy is horrible and it would take a lot to save it. I have heard rumors of what the canidates are wanting to do. I don't think many have good ideas. I find that most people wanna hear what is going to be done now and how it will effect them now...future, whats the future?
It will be interesting and I can't wait. I hope this does cause a lot of people to vote. Its horrible that the one thing that our country is based on is taken for granted. We are given the priviledge to vote, its not a "right" that everyone has.
Kristen~ we don't have to be mature, we only have to be 18!  :)Yea, Your correct Linc, but mature enough not to let this get into a political war of words...because if it gets ugly, it's not good for RA

Thats what my parents told me, not to discuss religion and politics, and things are pretty messed up right now, the healthcare, the economy, the war, tought times we live in[QUOTE=Gimpy-a-gogo]I also forgot to mention the sub-prime mortgage crisis, a financial crisis unique to the United States (although through the ripple effect being somewhat felt in other parts of the world) and a direct result of banking deregulations. Surely you can't believe THAT'S not the Bush administrations fault![/QUOTE]
Yes GB stood over the shoulder of every person who did not read or know the consequences of signing a mortgage and told them " Sign just " sign "
So the gist of it is anybody that took a loan they weren't really wealthy enough to sustain should be held 100% personally responsible for, despite the many factors that led to that situation, but George W. Bush, the President of the United States, the most powerful man in the world (I'm sorry, but if the President of the USA is "not that powerful", then who is?) is just a victim of circumstance, and he shouldn't be held responsible for lying to lead everyone into an Iraqi occupation, which has led to the hugest financial deficit the US has ever seen, instability in the Middle East the whole world is paying for, and the deaths of thousands of innocent people and valourous soldiers? Even though he and his cronies have personally enriched themselves from this situation? GWB was just a hapless victim being pulled along by the winds of circumstance and he really didn't have control of any of it?

And that seems perfectly logical to the republicans on this board?

Well, I hope you don't mind EACH owing about ,000 to pay for this occupation, because that's about what each American owes and it's just racking up every day, as well as the interest on it. I guess if you voted for him there's your personal responsibility to that choice!Yeah, - what she said!! 
Those of you folks who are a little older may remember the famous campaign slogan Reagan used for reelection    "Ask yourself - Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?"  
Who here feels better off than they were at the start of the Bush administration?
Gimpy, you have to dust off the ol' dictionary and read the definition of the word "lie".  And yes, people should be held responsible for taking money they can't afford.  The big difference between the liberal and the conservative philosophy seems to be says " my irresponsible actions are usually someones else's fault", while the other believes that people are resposible for the things they do and the choices they make..  Also, Gimpy, the US is not a dictatorship.  George Bush can't just do whatever the heck he feels like doing.  Our government doesn't work that way.I am now a Democarate and will difinitely vote that way in the election for which ever canidate wins the primary --- but I would like to speak from experience after having lived though GB as govenor of TX.  I am a former educator and Texan, so I know first hand what he did as govenor, especially in the areas that relate to education. He was one of the most ineffectual govenors we ever have had.  Because of Bush and his republican cohorts, the schools of Tx have fallen to the bottom rank nationwide in academics, teacher pay (it was 37th nationwide last time I checked), and poor teacher health care insurance and retirement benifits (so poor, in fact, that we felt we had to move to Panama in order to retain, at least, the standard of living we had before retirement) ; and funds cut from most of the social services that benifit indigent people..... I could go on and on with specifics, but you can easily look it all up on the internet, if you wish.  `His "No Child Left Behind" program made its first appearance in TX...we educators came to refer to it as "Every Child's Behind Left", for good reason!  So many of our remedial programs were cut because funding was being poured into "test-the-kiddies-to-death" from Kindergarten up, which is the basis of "accountability" of NCLB.  He came into power in TX on the coat tails of other powerful Republicans who groomed him and manufactured a persona ("the TX rancher cutin' brush"....remember, he actually grew up as a privledged brat in the private yankee schools in the east, the "rancher" appearing only as they began the preparation for the transformation), and then they utilized the name recognition of his Daddy to get him elected.  Don't be impressed by the universities he went to -- he had the connections to get in, not the grades.  Remember his bragging about being a "C" student? His handlers shut that up pretty quick!  Then, there was Tom Delay and his group who gerrymandered TX to the point of non-recognition.  With so many other qualified and intelligent Rebublicans we were appalled when the party nomiated this character to be the nominee. Chaney is probably really running the government anyway, while they put "pretty boy" Bush out there in the public's eye. When 911 happened, Bush sat there reading "My Pet Goat" until his managers told him what to do. Where was Chaney?  They made sure he was nice and safe as they always seem to do whenever there is a problem.   Anyway, can't help feeling this fellow doesn't deserve to be president and that we will pay for his weaknesses and mistakes for the next 15-20 yrs.  Heaven help the USA if we get more of the same next time around!    I think it's been stated in this thread already; GWB is not running for President. I'd like to see these political threads reflect some current information those of us as voters can actually use in November. It's clear many don't like Bush....but none of that matters at this point.
Someone asked for someone to post some things that Obama has accomplished since being in the Senate. I'd like to see that myself. I don't have time to search myself....not right now anyway; but I can pop back in and view what's posted.
What's he for or against for that matter? What has he supported since he's been in office to this point? Honestly curious. Little has been said that I've heard. He's for change....Yes, we all know that. I think everyone wants change....but there's a big difference in the type of changes we're looking for.
Something I don't understand is sticking with one party.  I think we could get a crack pot president no matter what political party he is affiliated with and voting for someone just because they are a particular party and not because of what they are saying, who they are I just can't wrap my head around.   Lovie, when you said that you took it as calling it like it is,
 That's the same thing Reverend Wright did.
I don't like these type of topics, but I just couldn't resist.
MaeMae2008-04-15 10:24:53

Heres a novel idea. Do not BUY what YOU cannot afford. An old principle that my folks taught me. Unlike you Gimpy who seems to be a Socialist ( Canada ? ) I don't think the Government should bail out every person that makes a bad choice since people like me who make a logical choice will have to pay for there Mortgage mistakes. This is not a " victim of circumstance ". This is poor planning. I waited to buy a house after I saved enough money to do so. Why is this so hard to understand. I purchase oil stocks and have done so too " enrich " me. This is what capitalism is. Plan, Invest and hope you do well. Iraq has been discussed before here.

[QUOTE=MaeMae]Lovie, that's the same thing Reverend Wright did.
I don't like these type of post, but I just couldn't resist.
SORRY, I goofed up on this didn't know what I was doing on the quote to lovie above.MaeMae2008-04-15 10:28:08ok~Wasn't sure what I said but I sure didn't want to agree with that Reverened.
Before these last couple of weeks when we've had a chance to "get to know" Obama a little better, I thought he seemed like a good man.   Wouldn't have voted for him, but I didn't dislike him.  Now that we have a chance to see him a little more clearly, I have a totally different opinion of him.  He's scarier than Hillary. 
If you want to know what Obama's been like as gov, ask JasmineRain, she's in Illinois.  She voted for him. I don't think she' a big fan now that she's seen him in action, or lack of action
as the case may be.
109th Congress
Obama took an active role in the Senate's drive for improved border security and immigration reform. In 2005, he cosponsored the "Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act" introduced by Sen. John McCain (R-AZ).[62] He later added three amendments to the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act", which passed the Senate in May 2006, but failed to gain majority support in the U.S. House of Representatives.[63] In September 2006, Obama supported a related bill, the Secure Fence Act, authorizing construction of fencing and other security improvements along the United States–Mexico border.[64] President Bush signed the Secure Fence Act into law in October 2006, calling it "an important step toward immigration reform".[65]

Senate bill sponsors Tom Coburn (R-OK) and Obama discussing the Coburn–Obama Transparency Act[66]As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Obama made official trips to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. In August 2005, he traveled to Russia, Ukraine, and Azerbaijan. The trip focused on strategies to control the world's supply of conventional weapons, biological weapons, and weapons of mass destruction as a first defense against potential terrorist attacks.[67] Following meetings with U.S. military in Kuwait and Iraq in January 2006, Obama visited Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian territories. At a meeting with Palestinian students two weeks before Hamas won the legislative election, Obama warned that "the U.S. will never recognize winning Hamas candidates unless the group renounces its fundamental mission to eliminate Israel."[68] He left for his third official trip in August 2006, traveling to South Africa, Kenya, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Chad. In a nationally televised speech at the University of Nairobi, he spoke forcefully on the influence of ethnic rivalries and corruption in Kenya.[69] In December 2006, President Bush signed into law the "Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act," marking the first federal legislation to be enacted with Obama as its primary sponsor.[70]

Partnering first with Sen. Dick Lugar (R-IN), and then with Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), Obama successfully introduced two initiatives bearing his name. "Lugar–Obama" expands the Nunn–Lugar cooperative threat reduction concept to conventional weapons, including shoulder-fired missiles and anti-personnel mines.[71][72][73] The Lugar–Obama initiative subsequently received million in funding.[74] The "Coburn–Obama Transparency Act" provides for the web site, managed by the Office of Management and Budget.[75] The site lists all organizations receiving Federal funds from 2007 onward and provides breakdowns by the agency allocating the funds, the dollar amount given, and the purpose of the grant or contract.[76] Obama found less success in his efforts to further regulate the US nuclear energy industry, sponsoring a bill which generated expected opposition. A modified version was successful in committee but did not pass the full chamber as the session ended; Obama would once mistakenly claim to have fully passed the bill.[77]

110th Congress
In the first month of the newly Democratic-controlled 110th Congress, Obama worked with Russ Feingold (D–WI) to eliminate gifts of travel on corporate jets by lobbyists to members of Congress and require disclosure of bundled campaign contributions under the "Honest Leadership and Open Government Act," which was signed into law in September 2007.[78] He joined Chuck Schumer (D-NY) in sponsoring S. 453, a bill to criminalize deceptive practices in federal elections, including fraudulent flyers and automated phone calls, as witnessed in the 2006 midterm elections.[79] Obama's energy initiatives scored pluses and minuses with environmentalists, who welcomed his sponsorship with John McCain (R-AZ) of a climate change bill to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by two-thirds by 2050, but were skeptical of his support for a bill promoting liquefied coal production.[80] Obama also introduced the "Iraq War De-Escalation Act of 2007," a bill that had proposed capping troop levels in Iraq, beginning phased redeployment, and removing all combat brigades from Iraq before April 2008;[81] the measure came under criticism from Senate Republicans, including fellow presidential contender John McCain (R-AZ).[82]

Later in 2007, Obama sponsored with Kit Bond (R-MO) an amendment to the 2008 Defense Authorization Act adding safeguards for personality disorder military discharges, and calling for a review by the Government Accountability Office following reports that the procedure had been used inappropriately to reduce government costs.[83] He sponsored the "Iran Sanctions Enabling Act" supporting divestment of state pension funds from Iran's oil and gas industry,[84] and joined Chuck Hagel (R-NE) in introducing legislation to reduce risks of nuclear terrorism.[85] A provision from the Obama–Hagel bill was passed by Congress in December 2007 as an amendment to the State-Foreign Operations appropriations bill.[85] Obama also sponsored a Senate amendment to the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) to provide one year of job protection for family members caring for soldiers with combat-related injuries.[86] After passing both houses of Congress with bipartisan majorities, SCHIP was vetoed by President Bush in early October 2007, a move Obama criticized.[87][88]

....this is just from Wikipedia, so its not hard to find info on Barack, and there may be more posters from Illinois, Chicago, some that live very close to Obama, that chose just to read here, so definately Jasmine is not the only Illinois resident..

Hilary was actualy born at Edgewater Hospital, in Chicago's north side, and grew up Republican, her father owned a factory, she grew up in Park Ridge. Ill.

I'm a swing voter, either way, i go with the person i like, not the partywww.// S.
Congress, Votes Database for Barack Obama, Data on major voting.
LinB2008-04-15 13:01:47For some reason above address not working.  Will try in a minute to post again. L
Go to Google, search Sen. Barack Obama voting record and you'll get a dozen hits.  You'll get the voting record, pro and con articles for Obama, quotes, etc.  It's a good place to start researching.  You can research any of the candidate's voting records.  As I've said before it's best to make up your mind based on your own research.  Lindy
LinB2008-04-15 13:22:46Just a side not on wikipedia, it is not a very reliable source, it can be edited by anyone on the web, easy to find, but I won't put a lot of credit into it. Schools no longer accept it as a viable source for research, that is even down to grade school.
Interesting info though
[QUOTE=Linncn] Gimpy, you have to dust off the ol' dictionary and read the definition of the word "lie".  And yes, people should be held responsible for taking money they can't afford.  The big difference between the liberal and the conservative philosophy seems to be says " my irresponsible actions are usually someones else's fault", while the other believes that people are resposible for the things they do and the choices they make..  Also, Gimpy, the US is not a dictatorship.  George Bush can't just do whatever the heck he feels like doing.  Our government doesn't work that way.[/QUOTE]

Linncn. First of all, google Alfonzo Jackson, secretary of housing. I believe he is about to step down. He is a member of the Bushies. He is in trouble for screwing up some of what is going on with this mortgage crisis. He is in THIS administration.

The other thing. You may live where it is cheap to live, good house prices, etc. Some of us live in areas of the country that are so expensive, it takes two professional incomes to afford a mininal house. Where I live, it is much cheaper to own than rent. Many people in my community could only afford to get into a house due to the loans that were available to them. It is not all the home owners fault. They did what they had to to afford a home. It is not like it is where you live. You need to expand your vision and realize that things are harder is certain parts of the country for many people. Yes, some got into more house than they needed and could afford and you can blame these financial institutions that allowed loans like that to be approved. And you can blame the home owners who bit off more than they could chew.    I personally do not feel that variable rates should be legal. Nor should people being able to not prove their income.   it is a prescription for disaster and that is what we are seeing. I think a recession has hit

Things have always been harder in some areas for some people Lorster, that isn't new within the last 8 years. 

If I may,
I'd like to go off topic from the off topic again. I do want to go back to what I was saying about political correctness when it comes to black and white. First, I hope that someday our history will be re-written truthfully and completley and then taught to our children. Our written history tells that the United States was a country of slave owners when in reallity only about one percent of white americans owned slaves. Twenty four percent of free blacks, owned slaves. Most whites did not want slaves and did not like the idea of slaves because it took away from employment. Our history teaches history as if all of our grand and great parents owned slaves. It's not true. Probably not one of the members of this forums families ever owned another human being. Most slave owners were the rich plantation and factory owners and most of those plantation owners families are still the wealthy families of today. They certainly do not want the full truth about slavery written because they would have to change their names.
Of course everyone knows that the "reverend" Jesse Jackson wrote that when he worked in a fast food restaurant that he would spit on the hamburger if the burger were for a "white" person. If a white person had ever said something like that against a black, that white person would be shunned and shamed by the white american world, but that statement catapulted Jesse Jacksons popularity. If it were a white person that did that, that white person would have no political carreer and find it hard to have friends.
I was not amazed at the reactions of "reverand" Wrights congregation when the "reverand made derogatory remarks against the white people or the rich white ruled United States. I live in a predominantly white city. I know for a fact that any person of any color, any nationality, any head wear, any sex or sexual orientation can freely wander the streets and entertain themselves at any establishment with-in the city with-out fear of harrassment or harm. I know for a fact that a white boy better not walk in the black neighboroods or the mexican neighborhoods, he will be attacked just because of his colour. If you think I'm lying or being racist, have your white husband son or daughter go for a walk during the day  through black Detroit or mexican Detroit. I'm just a little sick of having this white racism garbage shoved down my throat. Of all the filthy nasty vulgar words in this world, we ilegalize the "n" word and yet every day I hear blacks saying "blank you nigga", cause see, it's legal for them, not for Mark Twain and the adventures of huckleberry fynn or for white people.
Anybody that actually believes that Mr. osama bin , er I mean obamaa hussien, er I mean barack obama (just a chuckle from unckle teddy) didn't know about his churches racist and anti-american teachings and beliefs has to be a few ounces of grey matter from a full headful. For someone to say well I don't agree with all of "his" teachings and those teachings are something so deep as racism, anti-jew and anti-americanism and some people understand that as being acceptable to claim those teachings as his "church"? This country is in deep doo-doo when so many people accept a person that feeds us that pidgeon droppings.
6t5, very well said. Why should the irresponsable be bailed out and the responsable be made to pay for the bail-out? I'm in as good and probably better shape then before President Bush took over. I didn't invest in dot coms that sold nothing but a dot com. I know that what goes up, must come down and that includes real property that here in michigan practically doubled in eight years. The mortgage companies mortgaged people up to their belly buttons and the people finished it up to their eyeballs with plastic credit and now a small bump in their financial highway and boom, a head on crash with a bullish market.
I wasn't surprised when one of our member here at ai started a thread about the high cost of food and etcs. Even though she was one of those that jumped up on the ethanol bandwagon with the "we have to change now" and yet after 20-25 percent of our feed grain was sold for fuel, what did she think was going to happen? Oh, that's right, she never thinks about consequenses, it's a popular bandwagon and she may be recognized marching down the street, holding up traffic, waving her "change now" banner, all she needs is a flower in her hair and a joint in her mouth as she assures us all that "no, that light is just the end of the tunnel, I know it sounds like a train,  but don't worry about it, it's just the end of the tunnel."
Gimpy, if you want to make a political statement, why not make one in YOUR COUNTRY. Go to your closet, grab your seal club, go down to main street at rush hour, get into the middle lane, douse your seal club with gas and set it on fire.
What a liar Hillary is. You don't forget something like being shot at while getting off a plane, we are in deep doo-doo. If a republican had done some of the outrageous things that Hillary and Barack had done, they would not be in the running. I'm neither republican or Democrat but it has been shown that republicans punish the bad republicans and the democrats make excuses for bad democrats, maybe it is a moral thing, I don't know but I do know that republicans demand justice even for their own. And Lorster, if a republican is stepping down because he did wrong he or she does it because the republicans will demand it if the "bad" republican doesn't step down, can you say Congressman William Jefferson? The democrats want the evidence against him thrown out of court. Can you say Polosi? Can you say justice for all? Of course not.
Lev, can you say....Larry Craig? What about George Bush? Why have they not demanded he step down?

Larry Craig is your sheild Lorster? He's the reason liberals look the other way when one of their own lies, cheats, steals etc?  Well, if nothing else, it's easy.

Ok I am not crazyabout GWB, I am sorry but the man is an extreme disappointment, I have no respect for him at all.  Just a couple weeks ago he was asked what he thought of crude oil being above 7.00 a barrel, his answer was He had no clue that oil was above the 0.00!!!!  He can allow the gas reserve to be open so that some of it can be used, by americans and bring gas prices down, granted it is only a temporary solution, but it needs to be done.  The average joe can not afford to fill their tank with gas right now.  Most of us here who are receiving the tax refund next month, you know as well as I do we are not going to use it to help the economy, we are paying bills with it, in my case the money is being saved so hubby and Rachel can go to Washington DC in the fall with her class,unless we have an emergency and need the money for it and you know that will probably happen.
I will not vote for Obama,his comments the other day about small town people was wrong and he can't seem to understand how that hurts alot of people.  McCain, I will not vote for he wants to stay in the war and he is eyeing up Iran.  I am not sure about Hilary , but of the three I guess I will be voiting for her before I will vote for the other 2. 
Now the mortgage company deal that is the fault of the mortgage companies, and the people who agreed to take a mortgage beyond their means.  In MI Detroit Free Press about 5 yrs ago had written article on the mortgages and home buiding and buying that was going on in MI.  What was happening was these companies were allowing the people who were buying homes, to use 75% of their income to be used for mortgage payments.  The problem with that was economic forecasters were predicting that a recession was coming which in turn was going to cause prices to go up which in turn was going to make peoples mortgages harder to pay because they were going to need more of their income to pay for food, utilities, gas, etc. becuause their raises at work were not going to be keeping up with economic cost.  I can tell you in my hometown,there is a home that has been foreclosed or being foreclosed on, at least every other block of the city.  The county of Gladwin has lost so many people out of their county, because there is no work, they are literally leaving  the state in droves ,home foreclosures are very high there too.  I do not feel the government  should be bailing out the mortgage companies but I do believe that they should try to help people  refinance their homes from ballon mortgages to a more reasonable mortgage, especially if they have been trying to keep up on payments.  Yes they should have been careful of what they signed for when they pruchased their home, but when you are listening to someone who can be really slick in telling you how easy the payments are etc. you kinda turn a blind eye to what you really should be paying attention to.  I would rather see a house with people living in it and taking care of it then see it abandoned and no one taking care of it.  I know this is not how some of you feel but I have seen too many people losing their homes, I thank my lucky stars that we are doing ok, and hopefully will not have to worry about that ever , but what if??[QUOTE=lorster]Lev, can you say....Larry Craig? What about George Bush? Why have they not demanded he step down?[/QUOTE]
Did President Clinton step down after IMPEACHMENT. Refresh my memory
Hey everybody some exciting news.

My mother has RA and had been on Cortisone for a number of years. It was hard to watch her suffering from this condition and the drugs were making her sick and her hair was also thinning and falling out as a side affect. I heard about a all natural product through a friend that had helped her mother. It was called Mums Rub (conveniently named :) I found out that I can order it online from .

She used it for a week and the pain had gone. She is now weaning herself off the Cortisone and has made a miracle recovery. The doctor was amazed and so was I. Just wanted to share this with you and I hope it can help someone that reads this. All the best.
[QUOTE=6t5frlane] [QUOTE=lorster]Lev, can you say....Larry Craig? What about George Bush? Why have they not demanded he step down?[/QUOTE]


Impeachment for lying about a blow job??? Come on 6t5.No Lorster, impeachment for lying under oath. [QUOTE=lukeopai]Hey everybody some exciting news.

My mother has RA and had been on Cortisone for a number of years. It was hard to watch her suffering from this condition and the drugs were making her sick and her hair was also thinning and falling out as a side affect. I heard about a all natural product through a friend that had helped her mother. It was called Mums Rub (conveniently named :) I found out that I can order it online from .

She used it for a week and the pain had gone. She is now weaning herself off the Cortisone and has made a miracle recovery. The doctor was amazed and so was I. Just wanted to share this with you and I hope it can help someone that reads this. All the best.
WOW....That just came out of the blue didn't it? Interesting tactic.
It is called let's see if I can get it past them mode. hehehehehehe
Good to see you Meme.
Actually, I think the "spam" is just posted by a regular member who is bored and trying to stir up trouble for entertainment purposes. 