RA & Work Question | Arthritis Information


Background:      Diagnosed May 2007 with RA.  Started MTX 2.5 mg x 5 pills once a week.  Result was terrific - have pretty much been pain free since starting MTX except for left hip getting bursitis once, but one shot fixed that quickly.

Current Situation:    Last Monday I changed job duties.  Old job was sitting at a desk all day, no stress, 24 to 32 hours per week, no RA problems.  New job has stress and walking on concrete frequently, 40 hours per week.
Problem:  Since the first day on the new job, I have been having a lot of pain in both hips (probably bursitis again), pain in feet, knees, and back.  During the night I awoke with sharp pains shooting through my body.  I tried to get out of bed, but it was difficult.  Finally got out of bed but could not straighten up, was bent at the waist with pain.  Finally was able to take a Naproxen, went back to sleep, when I woke up a few hours later I was able to stand straight again.  Hips are very painful today, as well as pain in knees and back.
Question:    Should I return to my previous job?   I really believe that a combination of the stress and walking on concrete caused this pain I'm having.  Am I trying to do too much now that I have RA?  I really don't want to make my RA worse by continuing this new job.  On my last visit to my RA a month ago he told me how surprised he was that such a low dose of MTX has worked for me because my original tests etc. had shown that my RA was an aggressive type.  It's nice to make a little more money, but not at the expense of my health.
Thanks for your opinions.
Maybe it's something you need to get used to. If it continues to be a problem I would definitely go back to the old job if they would allow it.

I'd go back to my old job if money isn't an issue - or even it was and you can work around it, take the less stressful job.    Stress can aggravate RA and I'm sure being on your feet isn't helping.   I think it's great if you had/have it under control with a lower dose of mtx - so do what you can do keep it controlled.

Take care
I work 40 hrs on concrete floors no fun!! my feet and knees bother me. not to the point I can't work. I'm just so fatigued from the meds! Rd says when Ra is managed the fatigue will be too,  maybe you just need to up the Mtx, I started with 6 pills a week now at 8.I was Dx in 8-07 I also started remicade but have only had 2 doses haven't really felt any difference. Good Luck to you hope you feel better. i'd give the new job, if its something you want to do, a real chance.  Anyone who isn't used to standing all day is going to feel it after the first week.  Make sure you have a really supportive comfrtable pair of shoes and rest doing your breaks.  The stress level of te job may ease as you get used to your new dutiesWhen I started my current position, I went from being unemployed (translation - Couch Potato!) to being on my feet most of the day.  The first 2 weeks were a b!tch.  Everything hurt.  I got used to it, though, and lost a few pounds in the process.
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