Question for "honorary doctors" :) | Arthritis Information


Here's my question:  is it possible that some people "need" a positive ANA to fight infection? 
I know, it sounds crazy to wonder if a high ANA is a bad thing, but here's the deal.  I am sick again - very sick with 102 fever and another sore throat.  It's the 4th time since December.  I've been taking Plaquenil since November to help with joint pain and lower my ANA. 
My ANA is still positive, but did go down a bit.  However, now I'm wondering if maybe it's getting too low - so instead of my immune system being hyperactive, it's underactive?
Did anyone else start noticing that you got sick a lot when your ANA came down?  Not that joint pain is much fun either, but I think I would take that over feeling like I have the flu every other week!  I know, whoa is me. 
A positive ANA may or may not have any immediate significance by itself. Drugs or infection can yield a false positive. You know, I have to think about this.
I think this is all infection so....what does this mean?  I'll do some searching.  Anybody else?
Anybody see this?  I've not had my tea this morning and I can't figure it out yet.
I did a little more research and found some references about immune system suppressants making patients more vulnerable to infections.  I guess that's only natural.  But ultimately it concluded that it's better to get infections (like strep) than to let the disease the medication is treating to progress.
I got my blood test results today and my ANA is still very high, and now Sjogren's Anti SS-A is positive as well.  It would have been nice if the doctor's office had actually called me to explain what this means rather than just dropping it in the mail. 
I'm so confused.  I'll just take my medication and shut up now. 